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John McKee

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by John McKee

  1. https://www.vanguardbears.co.uk/forum/index.php?/topic/67246-sheep-fans/ second post down
  2. Random , could be a dozen a day or none AND NO, NO MEMBERS would "likely" add it to their signature, why would they? It looks more like an issue from Invision Where would it come from though? Our forum / site is supposed to be secure.......any ideas would be helpful. Unfortunately the Invision support is not too hot.
  3. This randomly appears beneath member posts like a message, replacing member signature.....
  4. WHY are we getting this flag on our forum without our permission. Along with the words fight war......Not everyone wants involved with this political nonsense
  5. Thanks for help, site back up and running Appreciated
  6. I gave them my own log in details..thanks for your help, let you know how it goes. I did not put in the URL though ??? Simply because when i click on admin portal nothing happens, hope they get in with what i have sent
  7. Got a message asking to give permissions... ...do I give a new log in name so they can access ..How can we do this if we cannot access or admin panel ? or do I give them my own log in details ? <image removed for security>
  8. we can log onto forum but cannot post either.......
  9. Sorry for being vague here but Where do I download from please? Upload what please? What do you mean by yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade...our forum is .co.uk? Thanks
  10. WE CANT REPLY to posts either. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THIS UPGRADE , a disaster
  11. No ADMIN portal , no post quote available, Cant answer posts with a quote...WHY the upgrade when its full of issues ?
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