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Guitar Gathering

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Posts posted by Guitar Gathering

  1. Hey gang,

    We've got a community currently hosted on Bluehost.  But I want to try the Invision cloud hosting option and see how that does.

    But I need help with the backing up, transferring and all of that.

    I'm not really interested in learning about servers, mysqls and all of that and spending a ton of hours with tech support.  I just need this done.

    Anyone want to make this happen and help out?  Happy to pay.

    - Steve



  2. Martin,

    I'm updating from Member Map and I don't want to lose all of the member info/locations already in Member Map when I configure Community Map.

    It's asking me for an "Mapquest API Key"?  Where do I locate that?

    Thanks for any help you can offer. - Steve

  3. Taman,

    Still having problems with this Palette issue.  Can't update new sliders. 

    It's getting to be a major issue.

    I've turned off all of the palette's and still can't update sliders.  The old sliders work fine but if I try to update one it won't play and just has a white screen.

    Let me know. - Steve

  4. Trying to update this for the latest IPBoard update and when I try to update this application it says "Something Went Wrong" and won't let me continue.

    Other applications upgraded without incident.

    Please advise. Thanks - Steve

  5. Still waiting on a response for your app.  I've even messaged you and no response.

    The app is useless to me without the basic functionality of correcting the image size discrepancy between the calendar event (where it pulls the image from is one size) and where the image is used in the app.

    Any help would be appreciated.




  6. Just purchased this and a couple of questions...

    1) Graphic sizes: The graphic size that the events page in calendar needs is quite different from the graphic size that this plug in needs for either the horizontal or the side bar panel.  So, I can either have a correct graphic size for the event page or for the widget - but not for both.  Is there any way around this graphic size problem?

    2) The data underneath the image in the plug in (author and what calendar):  Is there a way to change that so that the data it brings in is the event description - which would be much more useful to me than the author information.

    3) Is it possible for this to be used other than for Upcoming Events, perhaps pulling recent "Articles" or "Blogs" instead of only events?

    I realize the answer to all of these might be no but just letting you know my thoughts.

    Looks like a great app if I can get it to do what I'm needing.

    Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated?


  7. Taman,

    I just did the recent small update to 4.4.5 and now my home page drop down menu for my name (so that I can get to the admin section) doesn't drop down.  But when I go to another page like to forums then the drop down menu works and I can get in.


    - Steve


  8. I've been using this plugin for a while and love it.  I updated to the new IP 4.4 and now I'm getting an error message where this plugin use to be.  Error message says... There was an error loading the RSS feed. Please check your settings and try again.

    Tried reloading, entering the channel ID and no change.

    I love the plugin but still want it to work with the new 4.4

    Any thoughts?

    - Steve



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