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Posts posted by ant.biaggi

  1. 6 hours ago, ReyDev said:

    Did you try this option to change the TabBar style?

    Of course I used it, but the tabs don't look like a tabbar. The competitors look good. I don't have a default forum design

    6 hours ago, ReyDev said:

    I didn't get what exactly you mean.

    this is a continuation of the first sentence

  2. 16 hours ago, ant.biaggi said:

    Yes)), that's right, I'm going to use it as an advertisement, an example


    I want to supplement the sentence, example, the forum is multilingual
    en, de, es,
    you need to show the logo in the menu plus from the language selection on the forum:
    Hello, Hallo, Hola

  3. 12 minutes ago, ReyDev said:

    just drag a Topic Collection  and drop anywhere as you do with another widgets. in this case i drag and drop a topic collection (Grid type) after the IPS default Forum box.

    I understand that))
    I need such a scheme and it is impossible to do it by default, only up or down
    Forum Section 1
    Forum Collection [Tab|Grid] 1.1.3
    Forum Section 2
    Forum Section 3


    18 minutes ago, ReyDev said:

    this slideshow is one of +12 build-in plugins in the LAXERI theme. 

    Ready to buy for $40 as a separate plugin

  4. 9 minutes ago, ReyDev said:

    I just talked about the problem and the solution, and almost all of my clients can confirm that I'm always ready to solve the problem. I'm ready to talk about implementation problems with other devs . I can assure you that money is not my first priority. If was, I would not be working in this market.

    I wrote to you that you would solve the problem, only advice from you, specifics "0". a good position is to help yourself. I understand there will be no solution?

  5. 6 minutes ago, ReyDev said:

    This plugin works well with the default IPS template and templates that are implemented correctly. The problem with templates is that they do not have the ability to disable the navigation section so you can replace this plugin with your own theme. We have already talked about this in this topic. I think you should ask the author of your template to add an option to disable the navigation section. Exactly what I did in my theme.

    There are problems with the work of plugins, but I have not met anything that did not work. You need to warn in big letters before buying that the plugin does not work with other themes. The developer is among the top 3 developers of the forum theme, I am sure that he will not change the template because of the plugin. I was hoping for a solution to the problem.
    It is unpleasant for your money to receive a redirection of the problem, and not its solution.
    For other plugins, I will write in their support topics how I will collect all the inaccuracies of the work, there are many of them.

  6. Hello, I bought the plugin Clubs Enhancements 1.2.1 for the forum version 4.4.10 now there is an update to the plugin Improved Clubs Enhancements 2.0.0 I am required to pay the full amount of $30 the update is written $10

    Question is this an error or should I buy the plugin again for the full cost?

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