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Dave O

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Posts posted by Dave O

  1. Where might I find the directory?

    "Simply upload the script either to the directory where your current IP.Board 3.x. installation is (if you want to test if you're ready to upgrade) or anywhere else on your server (if you want to test if you can perform a fresh install) and run it in your web browser. "

    I tried to have the PHP updated to 8, but when I did I lost all access to Invision.  Consequentially, it has been reverted for now.

  2. I had my web host update the PHP, but when they did the site didn't load.  They mention uploading "the latest files", but I have no idea of what they are and how to go about doing it.

    Assume I don't know anything about how these things work.  It's a safe bet.


    These are the errors and the response from the host:

    [04-Jul-2023 10:02:05 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function IPS\get_magic_quotes_gpc() in /home/piperboats/public_html/system/Request/Request.php:117

    Stack trace:

    #0 [internal function]: IPS\_Request->clean()

    #1 /home/piperboats/public_html/system/Request/Request.php(54): array_walk_recursive()

    #2 /home/piperboats/public_html/system/Patterns/Singleton.php(41): IPS\_Request->__construct()

    #3 /home/piperboats/public_html/system/Log/Log.php(106): IPS\Patterns\_Singleton::i()

    #4 /home/piperboats/public_html/init.php(533): IPS\_Log::log()

    #5 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler()

    #6 {main}

      thrown in /home/piperboats/public_html/system/Request/Request.php on line 117


    All checks seem to relate to Invision Community which I feel is what you have running?  They mention being able to upgrade and check the server is running what is needed.  Can you check the latest files are uploaded and we can try to update the PHP again?

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