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Posts posted by Platinum Threads

  1. On 9/1/2017 at 2:32 PM, Adriano Faria said:

    No because a club can have only one feature but it also can have dozens. This really isn't a nice feature to have due to resources usage. 

    Thanks for your reply.

    Is it possible to allow club owners/or site admins to customize which club feature is the default when members click in the club (instead of the Home tab)? It would be easier for club members to see new posts and threads if I was able to make the Topics feature the default. We use the clubs like sub-forums on our site.

  2. Hi @Adriano Faria :) I am interested in buying your plugin but I was wondering if there's a way for you to add the ability to make a club's title Bold in the Clubs Sidebar Section (as shown in the photo) when there is a new post or thread in the club? My members like the clubs feature but some forget to check their clubs for new activity because it doesn't have a clear indicator for that when you're not in the club. 

    Thank you!

    Screen Shot 2017-09-01 at 5.24.08 PM.png

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