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Posts posted by Jader443

  1. Recently my servers went down for over 24 hours, I want to give additional subscription time to active subscribers who were unable to use our software while we were down.

    Is there a way to do this from the admin panel or can this only be done manually through editing an SQL table?

  2. i do have my license renewed and my site is up. i just need to be directed to where i can add / buy "Pages" because if you go through invision communities "Pricing" tab it doesnt allow you to remove the suite core and just buy pages.

  3. i bought invision self hosted a year or two ago. i would now like to add on the "Pages" application / plugin.

    when i go to pricing it wants me to rebuy the "Suite Core" but i only wanna add on pages.

    can someone direct me to where or how to correctly add and only pay for the pages addon?

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