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Nicholas Hadjiev

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Posts posted by Nicholas Hadjiev

  1. @SoftwareFactory

    We've been receiving far too many reports that the Discord link doesn't work from various sources; it's becoming an issue that I had to circumvent the Brilliant Discord Invitation for our upcoming advertisement campaigns, something I very much did not want to do.

    This is becoming a problem on my end. I've officially renewed the support (license) on this integration so please get into contact with me, I'd be happy to share the details of our ACP but we'll need a fix on this one sooner than later.

    Please advise if you can provide support.

    Thank you kindly.



  2. Hey Batarjal,

    I see Patreon members on the back end and in the Patreon relationship manager that say no active pledge on the IPS back end.

    There's a disconnect here, even if I update pledge it does not seem to work.

    Care to take a chance to debug?



  3. Hey folks,

    This is a first for us. Basically our e-mail got hijacked and our forum is spamming endlessly to random e-mails from around the world. We checked out the something is wrong page to contact support and there is this optional upgrade: " prevents spam from being sent via the email sharer and resolves an issue with forums being hidden "


    Now I'm really hoping this event correlates to this patch but we've already exhausted our 150k sending limit for the month so this has really put a hindrance on our domain name.

    How do we clear the cron or backlog of e-mails? Our forum is still trying to send e-mails every second, whoever hijacked this must have injected hundreds of thousands. This is a pretty serious issue for us so if anyone can help us out please advise.


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