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Mike Henry Sr.

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Posts posted by Mike Henry Sr.

  1. 3 hours ago, TAMAN said:

    No need to open a ticket I dont think they will help you on that, its up to you if you want change the text color :) 

    anyways i checked i and i see that i have already added mentions text color setting in the new version 

    Roger. Thanks. I appreciate it.

  2. On 6/19/2017 at 5:45 PM, TAMAN said:


    Mentions color setting is actually in ips themes by default and i haven't added or changed anything of that

    but i will add another color setting to change the text color for mentions in the new update for ips 4.2


    btw, If you are using ips 4.2 beta I can give you the upgraded version of this theme :) let me know with a message 

    I'm using 4.1 still on the hosted platform. I'll open a ticket with IPS then. Thanks.

  3. This is a great theme. Thanks very much.

    One minor issue I noticed is, the color settings for Mentions are not quite working. My setting is:



    But when I mention someone in a post, it doesn't invert the text color:



    It looks like the font color is inherited in the CSS. Can it be made to look like the setting above? Thanks.

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