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Lindsay Snow

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Posts posted by Lindsay Snow

  1. 9 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    You can do that by using a club custom field. 

    Thank you for such a quick reply. I've had a play with custom field and don't think it's what I mean (or could have missed a final step?). I was hoping to add a customisable tab to the club header (as for example, memory map comes up as an extra tab)

  2. Thank you Adriano - the Home page and add members are just what I needed. I was hoping to add a database to the home page but that doesn't seem to be an option (only WYSIWYG and Custom Blocks are available to add). Is this an IPS limitation or something that could be added? If it can't be changed, would it be possible to create an extra tab in the menu that could be a customisable hyperlink to an external page (That way, I could just link to the database outside of Club)? Thank you!

  3. I'd just like to gush my thanks for creating these templates. I pretty much purchased IPS because I loved their Guides section so much and was very disappointed to discover that their guide to how to make guides didn't exist. I'd been making do without them but I'm so happy to have been able to move my content over to this format. So thank you so much!!!

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