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Posts posted by david.hathaway@gmail.com

  1. Gads, I should have taken notes but a few key things, make sure the entire db is converted to innodb and all tables and columns are utf8mb4_unicode_ci (i had a ton that were mb3, likely due to the age of the forum). I used the manual approach, but still had to refer to the sql backup of the old forum to create a handful of tables that the update claimed were missing. It still took 5 attempts at a manual upgrade as it would time out, but it would pick up where it left off. I also had to restore the uploads folder as some part of the upgrade wiped out 10 years of user photos. Backups are your friend.

  2. Well, I am nothing if not persistent in trying to get this upgraded, what "should" this table be, anyone got an sql command to create it?

    Table 'revkites_revkites.ibf_core_widget_areas' doesn't exist
    /home/revkites/public_html/forum/applications/core/setup/upg_107400/queries.json - query #2
    UPDATE `ibf_core_widget_areas` `core_widget_areas`  SET `widgets`=? WHERE app='core' AND ( controller IN ( 'login', 'register' ) ) 

    /home/revkites/public_html/forum/applications/core/setup/upg_107400/queries.json - query #2

  3. Well, it'll be interesting to see if they come up with a fix or at least a fixed upgrade path as I just trashed my database as well with that "upgrade".  The article linked above would be fine, except no amount of phpmyadmin love via optimize or repair is working. Thankfully I do have a backup but...no update path.

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