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  1. Yea, I been working all night on this and day, Noticed that it was removing the text, once i saw this, i added it to lang.php and worked for the base, and the reason the Navigation never showed up is because my installation was corrupt.
  2. Do have another question, sorry about it all, I got it to be a main app, but i need to add it to url, but I need to know whats the access url. not showing it in to add menu. Edit, I got it to show up by url, (index.php?/gitlog/) but in Menu Manager it doesnt show. Edit 2: I noticed that also in submenu it shows "module__hggitlog_gitlist" Not a title. i put that in the lang.xml, but still same.
  3. I have 2 PHP scripts, One i made to display a table with Variables from a table in MySQL. its just to display, no comments, no ad-dons, no adding, nothing special like that, as the system itself takes changes straight from GitLabs and just posts the changes to our website database. The problem I am having is, i want to be able to display these entries on my site, I got the admin able to remove the entries, but when i try doing the front end (Just to show the values) i keep getting errors cant see database, and such. I am not new to PHP but newer to developing IPBoard Applications, so please bare with me. I have 2 options on my side. Option A: See if i can make it display in the site using IPBoard. Option B: See if IPboard will include external PHP scripts and how.. if someone can help, would be great. I have 2 tables, one for the menu (Because each entry its for its own values) GitLabs : Stores the main part, all the variables i need from Gitlab, like : Update Date, User, Message Repos: This is just a list of Repos that we have (As we have more then 1 repo, we would like each repo separated not on 1 big list) If you need any other info please say, and if you can help, i can ether talk on Discord, Skype or Email. Thank you
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