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Posts posted by Lelling

  1. Hey, we seem to be having an issue with the app - it seems that at width 1630px or more, the div containing "IP.Board Donations by DevFuse" at the bottom of every page related to the app becomes wider than the page itself, creating a horizontal scroll bar.

    You can see it here http://www.theopencommunity.org/donate/

    Note that the horizontal scroll bar only appears when the width of the page is 1630px or more (it should appear on a normal 1920×1080 screen).

    We also use your forms app, and it seems to be suffering the same fate ( http://www.theopencommunity.org/feedback/ )


    Thanks in advance!

  2. There's an issue with permissions that we were able to just ignore for a while but now that we have a lot of forms on our forum, it's starting to bother more and more people. Let me see if I can describe it well:

    If someone has the permission "See Form", but not "Submit Form", upon trying to load the form, they'll get a message saying something like "Sorry, there is a problem
    The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in."

    So in reality, they cannot see the form, despite the permission setting saying they can.

    And then furthermore, if someone does not have the permission "See Form", they'll just be redirected to the full list of forms they can see (which includes the ones described in the above scenario). Note that this issue happens regardless of whether or not the "Require form url?" setting is on or off, meaning that people are still able to access the central Forms page by attempting to access a form they don't have the permission to see.

    This creates a number of problems, from people being confused when linked to a form that guests can't see and instead just getting a whole list of forms, not really understanding what they were linked to, and if there is a permission called "See Form" and "Submit Form", anyone using it would assume that with Submit turned off, it means that they'll still be able to actually see the content.

    Would it not make more sense to change this so that people who do not have the permission to "See Form" get that warning, and people who do have permission to see a form, but not submit see the actual form fully displayed as anyone with both See + Submit perms, but instead of the "Submit" button, there'd be a deactivated button or a warning?

    I'm no master coder but shouldn't it be possible to put the "Submit" button in an {{if}} that asks whether the member has the Submit permission, and if they don't, instead display a deactivated button saying something like "Must be logged in" or "Can't Submit" (or even a custom text that the user can define per form - accounting for different permission levels), and maybe even a login button next to that - or just display an actual warning that says "You do not have the permission to submit this form." instead of the button itself?

  3. I have been looking everywhere for a plugin that fixes the following calendar issue:


    See, the problem is that the calendar orders all events not only by their time, but also their date of (first) occuring. This means that repeatable events will always be on top, by order of which one occurred first for the first time.

    So if I schedule Event A on Thursday the 17th at 22:00, and tell it to repeat every week, and then I schedule Event B on Thursday the 24th at 20:00, the calendar still thinks Event A happens before event B on the 24th, and will display them in the wrong order.

    I don't understand why IPS compares the dates, when it's already displaying the events inside of the days anyway. It should just be comparing the time.

    Is this something that you could fix? If so, I would not only purchase this plugin, I would also be willing to give you my first- and secondborn child, as this bug has been plaguing my community for years.

  4. On 18/08/2017 at 11:33 PM, Simon Woods said:

    But you can't un-select a Radio button so it is required by default, no?

    Nope, because none is selected by default (unless you set something to be). I tested it and you can submit without selecting anything.

    And when you don't want to show preference in a form, nothing should be selected in advance (which is why we wanted to use radio buttons instead of dropdowns in the first place).

  5. Hey ^^

    we noticed that the Radio buttons don't have an option to make the field required. Is this intended? It'd be very useful to have that option.

    On a similar note, we also noticed that Yes/No option always displays "Required", but you can leave it either on Yes or No to be able to submit the form, which makes displaying that it's required redundant. It'd probably be better if there was a required option for that too, and if it were set to required would mean that the person must say "Yes", and leaving it not required would mean it can be either Yes or No.

  6. 1 minute ago, Adriano Faria said:

    An old awards app.

    Thanks ^^ (and thanks for such a speedy reply, I was not expecting it so quickly :D)

    I just got the app literally 15 minutes ago, and I have to say it's probably the best & most useful app we've installed on our website so far! Can't wait to try it out to its full potential :D!

  7. I included these issues in my review - but then figured it might be useful to post this here, to see what your thoughts are and if these are features you intend to work on.


    The promotions don't actually work as "promotions" when it comes to secondary groups. Users aren't promoted from one group to another, they just get one in addition to the other. They just add the group itself, but don't replace the "previous" group in your promotions.

    Additionally, you can only set these groups to be added based on the size of the donation, there's no option to promote users based on their total amount donated (accumulated through several donations).

    So if you have a design where members accumulate their donations to larger donation rewards overall (e.g. reach 30€ total to become a Shiny Supporter, reach 50€ total to become a Super Supporter, etc.), this plugin unfortunately wont help you.


    Donation / Promotion PM

    It would also be nice to be able to designate a separate "Promotion PM" in addition to the "Donation PM" since there's an option to send both of those (but they'll contain the same text if you have both enabled). Another thing that would be useful would be a tag for those messages to include the person's amount total, so you could say something like "Thank you for your donation of 10€, this puts you at 30€ total, which means you have attained the rank of Shiny Supporter!".


    It was a bit frustrating getting this because it looked like it had all the correct components, it's just that they are used in a way that are not useful (to our needs at least).

  8. Hi! This plugin makes every form have its own page, which is cool most of the time :D but is there a way for me to put the forms created in the plugin onto an existing custom page? (Other than just copy-pasting the code, which creates the problem that whenever the form is updated, it needs to be copy-pasted again on all pages it's placed on).

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