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Posts posted by breezy1941

  1. Thank you Randy.  I never saw Marc's response, until now.  I did not realize, it's normal behavior and nothing to be concerned about, because it only happens every few months or so.  Your response and Marc's is much appreciated.    

  2. Thank you MARC.  I did not realize this was "normal", as it seems to occur on a random basis.  None for months, then boom, in the blink of an eye, almost a hundred show up. I guess you might say I was a tad disconcerted.

  3. The last 3  days,  I  have increasing numbers of bots, continually logging into the forum, yet not really logging in. Could you please do whatever it is you do in order to stop this unwanted invasion?

    Thank you very much.    breezy

  4. BOTS sitting on login page, but never logging in or registering, or doing other than sitting there.   Can you help get rid of them or  suggest what I should do, please?

    Thank You!

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