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Posts posted by hunterm267

  1. 5 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:


    Now I'm able to post screenshots:


    Steps to follow:

    1. Buy the iAwards on Marketplace (you don't show as a buyer of this app, unless you have bought it in someone else's name)
    2. Do a FRESH install of the iAwards app
    3. After installed, go to Admin CP -> Awards -> Upgrade -> HQ Awards.
    4. Follow the instructions that will appear to you.


    It has been purchased indeed in someone else's name (I am our community administrator; the community owner purchased the various software).

    At any rate; thank you very much for the reply. I appreciate it :)

  2. 2 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    jAwards is another plugin, from IP.Board 3.4: https://invisionpower.com/forums/topic/371926-hq-awards/

    It has nothing to do with this one here.

    Thank you for your answer. I referred with a fellow forum admin who confirmed that we did indeed used to use jAwards, and migrated to iAwards with 4.0. 

    However, unfortunately, the issue in upgrading the application remains, and the IPS support directed me to the application creator to get support on the issue. The error I am receiving when attempting the update is:

    install issue.png

    Any ideas? the /applications directory is writeable and fully 777 (at this time).

    Please also note that the maximum php upload size is 7mb, well above the ~350kb size of the upgrade.

    Thank you!

  3. Hi there,

    When trying to update our awards on our forums (currently, in our board, called jawards), it receives an IPS error. I contacted IPS support, and they said to contact the application creator for support. Does updating the application require deleting the old one and re uploading the new? I notice that it is now called iAwards and our version is jawards.

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