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Abdel Mial

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Posts posted by Abdel Mial

  1. Hello,
    When I install the application, I get this error:

     Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

    How to correct this?


    (Sorry for my langage, i'm french)


  2. Oh nice !

    Thank you very much I had not thought about that!

    On the other hand I will have a small question ... It does not directly relate to the application but I would like to integrate this functionality for this one ...

    To send a private message on IP Board, the url is "http://website.fr/messenger/compose/?to=IDMEMBER"

    Is it possible by changing the URL to send a message directly to 2 or 3 members? For example "http://website.fr/messenger/compose/?to=1,2,3" etc ...

    I tried but it does not work ... I do not know if this functionality exists on IP Board :( 


    Another small addition to make if possible: Once a member has submitted a quiz (and it has been "approved"), it would be nice if the member could no longer handle the questions (delete or modify them)


    (Sorry for langage, i'm french :D )

  4. Very good application! I am really satisfied! Thank you for your work !

    (Déoslé for my language, I'm French!)

    I have a few suggestions for the next update:

    - Be able to set the time to complete the quiz at least 1 minute. (Because it's currently 3 minutes minimum)

    - When adding an image to a question, resize it automatically because if the image is large, it will be great also during the quiz.

    Thanks again for this application! :) 

  5. Proposal for improvement for the next update:

    "Remove additional TS groups?" Should be configurable for each site group. For example, the "Member" group has the function enabled, which means that if it changes group, the other groups will be deleted.

    The Administrator group has the disabled function, which means that if it changes groups it keeps its old groups.


    (Sorry for langage, i'm french ^^)


    Its good ! Thank you very much ! I just tried the application on a secondary TS and everything works to perfection! So I tried to link the application to my main teamspeak, it is well connected but as soon as I add a UUID, I have this error:


    How to fix the problem?


    Yes because when I launch Teamspeak, the first test works but when I raffraichis, it is banished ... I have a "ping jaya-france.fr" to know the IP of my site but when I put it in the file query_ip_whitelist I always the same error! My site is: http://Jaya-France.fr Maybe I put the bad ip? How to find the right ip to whitelist? Sorry for my language I am French

  8. Hello,

    My site is unavailable since the update 4.1

    Here is my error:

    <?php exit; ?>

    Wed, 28 Oct 2015 14:10:00 +0000 (Severity: 2) - http://www.jaya-france.fr/profile/530-kevlaя/?do=content&type=nexus_package_review&change_section=1
    2: Missing argument 2 for IPS\core\FrontNavigation\_FrontNavigationAbstract::__construct(), called in /home/jayafrantt/www/system/Application/Application.php on line 688 and defined
    #0 /home/jayafrantt/www/applications/core/sources/FrontNavigation/FrontNavigationAbstract.php(118): IPS\IPS::errorHandler(2, 'Missing argumen...', '/home/jayafrant...', 118, Array)
    #1 /home/jayafrantt/www/system/Application/Application.php(688): IPS\core\FrontNavigation\_FrontNavigationAbstract->__construct(Object(IPS\Member))
    #2 /home/jayafrantt/www/system/Application/Application.php(280): IPS\_Application->extensions('core', 'FrontNavigation', true, true)
    #3 /home/jayafrantt/www/system/Theme/Theme.php(687) : eval()'d code(4337): IPS\_Application::allExtensions('core', 'FrontNavigation')
    #4 /home/jayafrantt/www/system/Output/Output.php(871): IPS\Theme\class_core_front_global->globalTemplate('JayaFR - Commun...', '\n<div id='ipsLa...', Array)
    #5 /home/jayafrantt/www/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(188): IPS\_Output->showOffline()
    #6 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init()
    #7 /home/jayafrantt/www/init.php(423) : eval()'d code(27): call_user_func_array('parent::init', Array)
    #8 /home/jayafrantt/www/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(86): IPS\Dispatcher\hook46->init()
    #9 /home/jayafrantt/www/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
    #10 {main}


    How to fix this ?

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