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Deadliest Force

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Posts posted by Deadliest Force

  1. On 9/22/2015, 9:40:13, onlyME said:

    Hi all,

    V1.0.24 has been released with Live Streams (Twitch & Hitbox)

    Wow, looks fantastic! I'll upgrade to this version Sunday and let you know how it works out...I'm excited.

    Is there a feature to have it add streams automatically by directory? (Such as This Game Directory for Arma III). That's what I was saying is taking the majority of my time now. I know it's a little much, but it's a great feature to have.

  2. On 9/16/2015, 3:29:18, wohali said:

    I'm also looking at this as a replacement for our old IPC YouTube database and our 3.x Live Streams module (supporting Twitch, Hitbox, YouTube livestream, etc.). I think the only thing missing (and preventing me from buying this) is a way to get a feed of users who are live streaming now, which would require some sort of a scheduled task to update the database, as well as a filter to have only those items shown in a feed block on my homepage. Can you think of a way to implement this in your current framework?

    My alternative implementation would be to use IP.Content and some custom blocks plus my own Scheduled Task, which would probably work but wouldn't result in me buying your app ;)


    This would definitely be a good feature. We use it for streams as well and unfortunately I have to self-update (as well as supplement an offline/online status on the thumbnail just in case I'm not around). As you can imagine, it's tiring. I think the dev would get more sales if he built in this functionality.

  3. I also thought about sorting by field but I haven't found a solution yet. When you edit a video to change field, you can check 'update date', the video will be sorted as newest.

    Offline+Online status is done with the following:

    <img data-twitch-channel="{content}" data-offline-image="{Offline_Image}" data-online-image="{Online_Image}">
    <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/Fugiman/Twitch-Channel-Status/1d74252edf89110507cbf3088f9c3eaa38fac9d3/twitch-channel-status.min.js"></script>

    This keeps the list updated automatically for our users. When there are hundreds of streams going it would be quite the task to self update just to have them list by newest. Sorting By Field and being able to set that as default instead of Recently Updated...or even as a widget would be a huge help.

  4. You can find this feature In videobox settings -> custom fields >  Fields on images

    Ah, I meant below the image itself so that I can place a custom made [LIVE] image below it. Is there a way to sort by this field by default on the /video/index page?

  5. Fantastic Application and Support.


    I'd like to request two features:

    1) To detect if youtube videos are being uploaded and automatically set the thumbnail to http://img.youtube.com/vi/{Youtube Video ID}/sddefault.jpg if one is not uploaded. Would save me a ton of time.


    2) Put in a feature that allows me to add a custom field to the bottom of the of the thumbnail between the title and ratings. I have it showing if a user is online or not on twitch (Which I can set to display on hover over), but would prefer to show it on the main index page. If users could sort by this field, it would be awesome for our community.

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