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Posts posted by DeadiKation

  1. Requesting a feature, and if it's not possible to add this support, I'd like to commission it.

    I currently use @Kevin Carwile's Group Collab system, unfortunately this does not seem to allow posting to it. Even if the containers themselves are forums, they will not appear and will not allow Topic Creation nor Topic Replies. I've checked with normal forums and collab forums. Posts do not get posted in Collabs while posts in normal forums are made just fine.

    If this support could be added, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

  2. 6 hours ago, Kevin Carwile said:

    You can just add a new redirect forum with the link to a collab category or an individual collab and it will be displayed like a regular forum with the latest post or collab.

    I do that currently, however I have a few issues.

    1) Redirects do not allow for custom icons to be placed on the forum main page

    2) Redirects link to the collab, but we wanted to show engagement by having the collabs forum container show on the main page. Otherwise they have to click on the redirect to see all the forums / subforums.

    Is there something I'm missing or would that be a feature needing to be implemented?

  3. Hello @Kevin Carwile

    Is there a way for us to present the collabs as part of the main forum categories / discussions?

    As nice as it is to organize the collabs in their own homes, they feel somewhat secluded from the rest of our forums sitting in a "Collaborations" Category. I'd like to have an option to have their forums show as their own category on the main forums page or a choice of setting up categories / discussions that lead to the collab itself.

    I'm not saying the collabs have to be shown in a special container or anything, just that I'd like to either make it toggleable or build out categories with their icons and discussions leading to the collab to show on the main forum page. If this needs to be paid for I can look into commission if needed. Thanks!

  4. On 6/17/2016 at 9:00 AM, Morrigan said:

    Can you post your error log after posting that?

    Sorry, I've been busy with work.

    Here are the logs.

    2S106/1 Page Not Found.


    And for SQL Errors when granting award.

    Unknown column 'award_url' in 'field list'
    UPDATE `ipb_awards_awards` awards_awards  SET `award_url`=?,`award_board`=?,`award_count`=? WHERE award_id=? 
        [0] => <a href='http://thereeplex.com/forums/profile/1449-banana/?tab=node_awards_Awards'First Post'</a>'
        [1] => The Reeplex
        [2] => 45
        [3] => 1
     | File                                                                       | Function                                                                      | Line No.          |
     | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\Db\_Exception].__construct                                               | 388               |
     | /system/Db/Db.php                                                          | [IPS\_Db].preparedQuery                                                       | 836               |
     | /system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php                                          | [IPS\_Db].update                                                              | 460               |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord].save                                             |                   |
     | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 51                |
     | /system/Node/Model.php                                                     | [IPS\Patterns\rules_hook_ipsPatternsActiveRecord].save                        | 1999              |
     | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [IPS\Node\_Model].save                                                        | 124               |
     | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [IPS\Node\advancedtagsprefixes_hook_nodeModel].save                           | 679               |
     | /applications/awards/sources/Awarded/Awarded.php                           | [IPS\Node\collab_hook_ipsNodeModel].save                                      | 103               |
     | /applications/awards/extensions/rules/Definitions/Awards.php               | [IPS\awards\_Awarded].remove                                                  | 278               |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\awards\extensions\rules\Definitions\_Awards].removeAward                 |                   |
     | /applications/rules/Application.php                                        | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 1773              |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\rules\_Application].opInvoke                                             |                   |
     | /applications/rules/sources/Action/Action.php                              | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 385               |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\rules\_Action].invoke                                                    |                   |
     | /applications/rules/sources/Rule/Rule.php                                  | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 654               |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\rules\_Rule].invoke                                                      |                   |
     | /applications/rules/sources/Event/Event.php                                | [].call_user_func_array                                                       | 192               |
     | /init.php(434) : eval()'d code                                             | [IPS\rules\_Event].trigger                                                    | 199               |
     | /system/Content/Item.php                                                   | [IPS\rules_hook_ipsContent].save                                              | 324               |
     | /system/Content/Item.php                                                   | [IPS\Content\_Item].createFromForm                                            | 65                |
     | /applications/forums/modules/front/forums/forums.php                       | [IPS\Content\_Item].create                                                    | 432               |
     |                                                                            | [IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_forums].add                                 |                   |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Controller.php                                          | [].call_user_func                                                             | 85                |
     | /system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php                                          | [IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller].execute                                          | 129               |
     | /index.php                                                                 | [IPS\_Dispatcher].run                                                         | 13                |


  5. Hello!

    First off, Thanks for the amazing Awards system, but I had a question.

    I seem to be getting an error after upgrading to the latest version. I can no longer access the "Manage Awarded", do you happen to know what might be causing this?


    Thanks for your help!

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