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Posts posted by mfriedman421

  1. 26 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You simply have more flexibility with the pages application, over blogs. For example, you can create your own fields, and full layouts in the manner of your choosing if you wish to do so. However if blogs looks the way you want it to look, and functions in the manner you wish, you would be best to use that

    Hmmm... It sounds like if I already own the pages module, blogs would be redundant then.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Very glad to hear you found a solution there 🙂

    Just a thought, using pages and custom templates may be another option too

    I thought about pages and may use that for the home page. But I want people to be able to contribute their own entries, and I'm not sure the pages module would allow that or be as easy to manage as blogs. Basically, I want similar to forum functionality in the look and feel of the grid view. Seems like the blogs (if I restrict people from creating their own, but allow them to make entries on an existing one) are the best solution for that.

  3. 4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    There isnt a way in which to do either of those unfortunately. I am curious as to the use case though? As posts as in order, why would you display them as cards?

    I'm building a site that is going to allow people to share what we will just call templates. The traditional forum format is not as appealing in a list. 

    I think I found a solution though. I'm going to do them as a blog instead and let people contribute to the blog. They will be able to post their templates as an entry on the blog. Then I can use the forum features for comments and also make use of the reputation feature to allow people to up and downvote them.

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