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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Were you able to resolve the issue? When viewing your community, I am not seeing any 500 errors.
  2. Looks like you may have missed the above post by my colleague. Max mind is currently the geolocation service we use here and would be responsible for this information.
  3. You have a different resulting error, I’m afraid
  4. That is the same error and related to the missing group. Anything that references this missing group will be broken, I’m afraid.
  5. I’m afraid, we would not be able to modify our host file. Please temporarily assign a sub domain to it so we can access. You can use the Notes field in the access details area for adding credentials, etc… for the Test URL.
  6. You can place them in your Client Area access details area by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  7. This is a moderator setting in ACP -> Members -> Staff -> Moderators. Some individuals provide permissions to members otherwise so worth checking. The only filter would be in the block's settings to configure what shows in the block.
  8. It could be something that changed on the WordPress side or something through an upgrade of our software that has caused an incompatibility in the plugin due to it being out of date. Unfortunately, as it is a third party plugin, you would need to work with the author to determine this and resolve the issue as there is little we can do on our end to permanently resolve the issue.
  9. I would recommend only allowing your staff to be able to set featured images as this can create the scenario here if you allow anyone to.
  10. Glad to hear that it is fixed. Please let us know if we can be of assistance.
  11. Is there a further issue here or was it resolved as @Ramsesx mentioned with themes/etc..?
  12. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  13. In those errors, it looks like the community map is being loaded. I would try disabling that to see if anything gets resolved with that. Otherwise, you will want to review your server errors logs for any upload errors.
  14. Like anything, your data may vary depending on where you get it from. IP address location is not typically 100% reliable but often close enough to provide an idea, especially factoring things like mobile devices. It could also vary IP address to IP address. If you have any suggestions to improve it, say add in another service you personally like or find more reliable, please make a suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum.
  15. This would mean it will be available in a future release, likely the next monthly release.
  16. Sorry, there are no means to perform what you're mentioning here in the Clubs menu itself. It is a very static linear menu system at this time. I would suggest posting this in our Feature Suggestion forum if you would like to see this changed.
  17. As mentioned in your ticket, these template errors are due to a third party plugin you're using to integrate members in your WordPress instance. It is moving them to a group which does not exist and thus creating issues when attempting to load data about them and that group. You will need to resolve this at the plugin level with the WordPress integration to resolve this issue. We could move these users but when they login again, the plugin likely would move them back so any effort on our end will just cause you running into the issue again so this needs to be solve at the plugin/WordPress level.
  18. I've moved this to a ticket to be further investigated as I tried a few different things with that user and couldn't get them to be promoted. You should receive further correspondence on this issue via email from the ticket soon.
  19. You should have received an email a few months ago about support being moved from tickets to in our community here. It is fully staffed by the same individuals and you will receive the same level of support, etc... If needed, our team can still escalate or move your response elsewhere if required. As you are a self-hosted customer, please contact your hosting provider for assistance in backing up your community. They will have the best, most efficient manner in doing a full back of your files and database.
  20. This is simply a warning to say that this file has been modified and our system is going to overwrite it. Core CSS files cannot be modified and will be overwritten between upgrades. If you're OK with that, you can proceed. If you are not then you will want to move your CSS edits to your own custom.css file as this is where customizations belong for CSS.
  21. Moved this to a ticket as this looks to be an issue rather than a configuration error. Please be aware you will receive further communication via email. Thanks.
  22. Google Tag is an interesting service that lets you do a lot of different things. You can read more about it here: https://support.google.com/tagmanager/answer/6102821?hl=en To enable IndexNow, you will want to go to ACP -> System -> Integrations -> IndexNow.
  23. You may wish to check that your og:title tag on your community exists and has not been customized and that you're on the latest release. The og:title tag, which Facebook should be referencing, does not include the forum name by default. Here is Facebook's debugger tool with this URL: Following up: it looks like you're using your mobile's share tool or otherwise. The mobile OS is likely just grabbing the HTML title tag which does include the forum name. To remove this, you would need to customize your HTML title tag as there is not a setting to remove this in the core software.
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