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William Klein

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Posts posted by William Klein

  1. On 28/05/2016 at 9:36 PM, William Klein said:

    Hello @Adriano Faria

    Bought this plugin and using it for months, but facing an issue with the latest IPS update :

    While creating an account with a valid invitation code and valid informations, I'm facing this error : 

    You are not permitted to register a user account with this site.

    Error code: 2S129/1

    I'm running the 2.0.8 version on IPS

    Any workaround ?

    Best regards,

    Hello @Adriano Faria

    I'm still facing the same issue, with the error "2S129/1".

    The second character "S" in the error code means it comes from an external application.
    Without the invite system: anybody can register.
    With the invite system: error shown.

    Can you please help on this point? Quite sure it comes from here.

    I'm now running IPS with Invite System 2.0.11. Nothing else!

  2. Hello @Adriano Faria

    Bought this plugin and using it for months, but facing an issue with the latest IPS update :

    While creating an account with a valid invitation code and valid informations, I'm facing this error : 

    You are not permitted to register a user account with this site.

    Error code: 2S129/1

    I'm running the 2.0.8 version on IPS

    Any workaround ?

    Best regards,

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