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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It is indeed. Sounds like an unintended consequence of using the feature in a way its not really intended to be used. But needs looking at regardless. Do you have an example topic?
  2. Which dates is it you are looking at these? I ask as Im seeing a date on there in yellow, which I believe may be the ones you are referring to? These are indeed showing dd/mm/yyyyy on this end Ignore the above, that was incorrect. Could I ask, have you tested this on a new language pack and translated there?
  3. That is something you would need to do on your server. You would need to backup database and files. Its something you should have a regular backup of in any case, if you are self hosting
  4. We are aware of an issue at present. Please see the other topic on this here
  5. Nothing at all. There is a known issue at present. Please see the other topic here
  6. Unfortunately Im not sure what else I can add here. What you have said above, is not actually correct. What we have said is you are experiencing an issue that I cannot reproduce on my end on the latest release. Therefore for that reason, its very likely a bug in the version you are running. With regard 3rd party applications, we do not update or products to keep 3rd party products running. We provide updates when there are breaking changes, inform our 3rd party authors, and they would then update their code. Have you tried approaching the author of that item for advise, and told them of your issue? I do sympathise with your position. However, I do feel your anger here is somewhat aimed in the wrong direction. You are frustrated that a 3rd party item may not work if you update, and that the author will charge you if it doesn't. The frustration there is with the 3rd party item. I'm sure you can appreciate that from our point of view, if you have an issue with the software and don't have all the latest bug fixes, its only reasonable for us to ask you to apply those latest bug fixes.
  7. Its not any of those things. We are aware of the issue (and its cause) and will have this resolved as soon as possible
  8. We have some issues at present with our licensing server, which I believe may well be affecting this. We are looking into these, and should have resolution as soon as possible
  9. I know there have been some improvements in these areas lately (as we are always doing, of course). One thing I would advise is upgrading to the latest release,as these can be caused if you have something that is causing errors over and over, or timing out.
  10. Unfortunately, Im really not sure what you mean here. Do you have an example that I can maybe take a look at? That may make this clearer
  11. You would need to contact the author of your custom theme if you are having issues only on that theme. Unfortunately, we are unable to assist you with custom items
  12. What you are looking for is not a feature of our integration with analytics at the present time. As mentioned, we provide essentially a shortcut to you adding the code to your header. if you wish to see more features added to this in the future, please feel free to post up within our feedback forum. As mentioned above, we do have tag manager, which you may be able to utilise, and can see in the integration section
  13. Im a little confused here. The author wants to remove the application and its not allowing the uninstall due to an issue. That would indeed be an issue with the 3rd party application.
  14. OK. Please let us know after that last test. if you are then still having problems, we can get this escalated for someone to look into further
  15. You could also upload a fresh set of files from your client area, and run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade if needed. It will then give you the opportunity to run these in the upgrade process.
  16. Sorry to hear you feel that way. In answer to your question, the marketplace was created by ourselves. However it is just that. It's a marketplace. It is for 3rd party authors to sell their items. They choose what and how to support their items. I would say here, you mention you have issues with some items and support, and not with others. It may be advisable therefore to choose those items which have a level of support suitable to yourself. Im not sure where you get the impression here that IPS is 'shifting the goalposts'. We have been doing updates in the same manner for a long long time, and have been doing monthly updates for around a year. These updates are not something that is new in any way.
  17. The message you are getting would generally indicate an issue with the software being able to contact the database. Ensure the database user you are using when you install has full unrestricted database access
  18. Please could you provide more information as to exactly what point you are getting to, before you see that error? The other thing that may indicate is an issue with connection to mysql
  19. You appear not to be sending any identifier with this, as per the documentation here https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/docs/other-features/commerce/using-the-license-key-api-in-commerce-r75/
  20. I am unable to reproduce any issues with sending emails which contain email addresses on this end either
  21. Thank you for reporting the issue. We are looking into this and will be in touch as soon as possible
  22. glad to hear you got things working, Nigel
  23. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
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