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Marc last won the day on September 3

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  1. This is not a plugin. Its part of the main platform
  2. Im seeing emails right up to 3:44 with validation emails that have been delivered, and also registration confirmation emails which would generally be sent out once validation has been done. If you have some specific examples I can certainly take a look at those
  3. We have an open bug report for this one 🙂 Thanks for reporting
  4. You could try the following. Please ensure you have done a FULL backup, and you are ready to revert if needed. Add the following to your conf_global.php in the 'sql_utf8mb4' => true, example <?php $INFO = array ( 'sql_host' => 'localhost', 'sql_database' => 'stuff', 'sql_user' => 'stuff', 'sql_port' => NULL, 'sql_socket' => NULL, 'sql_tbl_prefix' => NULL, 'sql_utf8mb4' => true, 'board_start' => 1677243260, 'installed' => true, 'base_url' => 'http://location', 'guest_group' => 2, 'member_group' => 3, 'admin_group' => 4, ); Then try to do the upgrade to the latest release, without doing the UTF8mb4 update
  5. Cant see anything obvious on there. Its a very very old release you are on at present unfortunately. Just looking at profile fields there, please check through those and ensure that you only have ones you need. I know thats one area that may break it
  6. Add temporary details to the notes in that area. You can remove them of course once Im done taking a look
  7. Do you have database access you can provide within your client area so I can take a quick look, as the above would indicate otherwise
  8. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. What device are you using, so I can test on this end. Also, are you the only person having issues, or is this everyone?
  10. No need to tag. If its in the feedback area, we will always see it 🙂
  11. I would need a specific example please. You mention there have been all sorts of new posts, but note you would get notifications for new topics only if you subscribe to a forum
  12. Without seeing the issue in action, there isnt really any way we can advise on this occasion. I would advise the next time you see this, please dont fix and let us take a look
  13. Indeed. However the topic you quoted still was not in any way related to spam protection. It was a question about DDOS protection on the server hCaptcha can be used whether or not you have an active licence. As far as not liking them, I cant really help you there
  14. Check your database is using INNODB rather than myISAM and also that its using dynamic row type rather than compact
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