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Posts posted by Vinlockz

  1. Hello,

    I have read through all of this. I am unsure of what to pick out for my problem. I purchased a Dedicated Virtual Server from Media Temple. The rewrite refuses to work on NGINX :(. Everything, server wise, is all already set up and installed. I just need to know what extra to put into the Plesk 12.5 "Additional nginx directives". 

    Image: alRhOpz.png

    My domain is www.pvpallday.com and my forum is at www.pvpallday.com/forum

    Please tell me the snippet that needs to go here. I tried pasting everything you put into there, i picked at it from what seemed like would redirect the clean URLs... I've looked all over, pasted and modified and edited and etc as much as I can. i even went as far as to use an onine convertor from htaccess to nginx, from the provided htaccess that IPB gives in the Admin CP...

    I am at a loss of ideas now.

    Please @Makoto or anyone, you seem to know what you're talking about better than any articles i have found online. Please help :(


    Thank You.

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