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Ryan Thomas

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Posts posted by Ryan Thomas

  1. 1 hour ago, Kevin Carwile said:

    @Ryan Thomas

    I'm looking into some ways that I can make the sql queries run a bit faster for you. It looks like most of those queries you showed me are from widgets pulling content from the whole site, and therefore must sql join and filter based on permissions for collabs.

    Okay this would be awesome Kevin.  Will this be included in the next update for the Collaboration app then?  And how soon do you think it will be ready.

    Thanks again for your help on this and your app is definitely the best third party app on my website. :D 

  2. Hey guys, out of curiosity, are any of you experiencing slowness on your websites with the group collaboration app installed?

    My community has created over 500 groups which means over 500 forum categories as a result and my site is very slow.  I had my hosting provider provide me with a slow query log and it appears that group collaboration might be the cause since a lot of the queries are from the group collaboration app.

    Anyone else experiencing slow queries?

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