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Posts posted by invisiblekid

  1. @InvisionHQ is there a way of alerting staff (admin & mods group) of an advert pending approval? Something like either PM alert, or a notification bubble on the Classifieds menu button - or perhaps an email option?

    Also, in the mobile responsive view there is no approval button. Presumably, 'unhide' is the same as approve?

    Many Thanks

  2. Hi, 

    We've been running this plugin for a few weeks and have noticed the 'Most Members Online in a 24 hour period' stat drops occasionally. Is this by design? Is there a refresh period?


  3. Has anyone performed an upgrade to IPS 4 from a site where IP.Content is the homepage? 

    I have a site running, which is configured as follows: https://www.invisionpower.com/support/guides/_/ips-community-suite-apps/ip-cont/make-ipcontent-your-homepage-r273 

    I've run through the upgrade and reconfigured the site as follows: https://community.invisionpower.com/4docs/administration/pages/using-pages-under-your-community-root-r100/

    Index.php and .htaccess sit in /public_html 

    IPS4 installation is in /public_html/forums/

    However the problem I have now is that all my CSS and Javascript links to www.sitename.com/forums/forums/uploads/javascript... 

    The site works functionally and I can navigate it, but I'm just not sure how to resolve the links. I've run through the support request system which clears various caches without luck.

    I've logged the issue with IPS Support, but from reading this thread it doesn't seem likely they will help out given it's on a test run. That's extremely frustrating if true as there is no way I'll perform a live upgrade if I can't successfully test using a dry run. 

    EDIT: IPS support just resolved the issue. Top work guys!!

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