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Posts posted by RebelPhoenix

  1. With Discord creating their 'forum' feature, I started to have an idea and wanted to know if possible.

    Being that I want to run a roleplay site, is it possible to hybrid?

    As in, is there a way to have Discord post to IPB instead of the usual vice versa?

    Like if someone in a Discord channel posts, is there a way to then have that create a forum post?

    And adding to that, is there a way to make it post as the person? Or would it have to be a bot account for Discord? Like how could I either connect Discord to IPB in login, or have the bot know which Discord user is which forum user, to post their message to the topic?

    NOTE: I'm asking the possibilities, and how I would go about it. Please don't recommend mods, I'd like to tackle it on my own, not buy something I can't afford.

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