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Ruth Leah Hernan

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Posts posted by Ruth Leah Hernan

  1. 3 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Its depends on your own expertise, and what is available within the site you currently have. The example above requires no coding knowledge on our end, you just enter the MySQL details. We cannot of course assist with the other side of it. If your other site allows for OAuth 2.0 connection, that can also be used as a login method. .

    Anything outside of that, you would need development to achieve.

    Thank you for the response. How can I connect the website and the forum so that when they log on to the website, they automatically get log on to the forum as well?

  2. 59 minutes ago, Runar said:

    Yes, this should be possible. Depending on your server setup, you can configure a new "social sign in" connecting your website database to your community. This way, you can allow your members to use their credentials from your website to register and login to your community. Note that this requires that your databases are accessible to both servers.

    This help guide will tell you everything you need to know to get started:

    Thank you for the prompt reply to my inquiry. I have successfully setup the website and the forum to connect to a single database. I would go over the guide you sent. Is there coding involved to make this happen? Like, how will the forum know who the user is that logged on to the website. Basically, users will go thru the website and on the website there is a link going to the forum.

  3. I would like to build a single sign-on functionality between my website and my invision community forum. The problem I am facing is that the website and the forum are hosted on different servers. Is it possible to create a single sign-on feature with that being said?

    Thanks is advance.

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