bfarber's post in Help with SLQ Query to replace emoji was marked as the answerUPDATE forums_posts SET post=REPLACE( post, 'what to search for', 'what to replace with' );
bfarber's post in Questions and Answers - Vote Count Not Displaying was marked as the answerYou can vote the question up and down, and you can vote answers within the questions up and down. In the listing there, the votes represent the questions being voted on. This is the small arrow next to the question title at the top of the page, not votes on individual answers within the question.
bfarber's post in Are FB video embeds still working? was marked as the answer
bfarber's post in The themes are "stuck" in the archive was marked as the answerWhen you disable archiving, topics get flagged to be unarchived, and then an unarchive task runs periodically to remove the topics from the archive. This can take some time.
bfarber's post in "Automatically follow content" via REST API was marked as the answerYou can follow an item by calling to POST /core/members/{id}/follows. You can do this manually after posting the content item. I'll raise a suggestion internally to allow automatic following during posting.
bfarber's post in 3.4 to 4.x Upgrade: CMS content BBCODE was marked as the answerCustom bbcode should be converted upon upgrade to 4.x.
You do need to whitelist custom CSS classes as mentioned, however, if you are using them.
bfarber's post in Page builder upload image block was marked as the answerWidgets are not specific to a node, but rather to a page "type". If you add a sidebar widget in a forum, it will show in all forums. Unfortunately, to show different images in different forums you would need a customization of some sort to accomplish this.
bfarber's post in Template error was marked as the answerNo, the only "default" hooks are for our first party applications, which would not populate the plugin column but rather the application column.
That said, the issue could also be caused by an out of date template. You may need to revert the template in question if it is modified.
bfarber's post in Unit/Functional/Integrated testing suites was marked as the answerWe do not follow TDD and there are no automated unit tests available at this time.
bfarber's post in ips.ui.drawer is not documented was marked as the answerNo specific event is triggered when a drawer is opened or closed.
You could look for the element in question becoming visible or not.
bfarber's post in BUG: Column type for CheckboxSet is wrong in Converter was marked as the answerI've raised your concern internally for further investigation. Thanks!
bfarber's post in Moderation history does not work after update was marked as the answerThis is an issue that should be rectified in an upcoming release.
bfarber's post in Recommended training/guides/online workshops for plugin dev was marked as the answerOur developer documentation here is the fundamental source for learning our framework, but naturally we encourage you to browse through the source code to be familiar with it if you are working to write addons for our software.
I'll raise your suggestion of training sessions/workshops internally for consideration.
bfarber's post in Access to repo to make PRs? was marked as the answerOur repository is not public and we do not accept public PRs.
You can, however, describe what you are suggesting to change here and we'll tackle the leg work if we're in agreement. 🙂
bfarber's post in Creating a custom conversion was marked as the answerThis isn't a commonly used feature so it's probably largely undocumented.
You almost certainly don't need to create a Library class. These classes define how to translate data from a converter into the applications installed (e.g. blog, forums, downloads, etc.). Unless you are wanting to convert data from an external source into a new application within Invision Community, the library class would be unnecessary, because we already have libraries for all of our core applications.
A Converter class is needed for each type of content you wish to convert, and translates to the files you see under applications/convert/sources/Software/*. You'll see there are folders for each app (which are each defined by Library classes), and then underneath each folder is a class for each type of software supported. If you want to allow conversions of blog, calendar and forum content from "Some Random Made Up Forum v2.0", then you'll want to create software classes for Core, Blog, Calendar and Forum.
From there, you will need to define certain mapping methods that outline what is convertable, and you will need to create the methods that actually get called to perform the conversion. Your best option is to copy code from one of the existing software classes and modify it to suit your needs in most cases.
bfarber's post in Bug: Deleting Page database does not delete record image was marked as the answerThanks, I've raised this internally to have it checked on for a future release.
bfarber's post in Where is the rss template stored? was marked as the answer"Source" probably comes from the feed itself.
You can shut off "Read full article" by editing the RSS feed in the AdminCP and disabling adding the link (it's a per-feed setting).
bfarber's post in Commerce 4.5: trials without credit card was marked as the answerThis is an intended change designed to help boost income for sites using free trials. A lot of users will provide a credit card when offered a free trial, and then allow their subscription to continue without cancelling it, but may never come back to provide their credit card if not required to up front. It's a pretty common sales tactic.
Ultimately, as mentioned, this is intended, but I could see a desire for a setting perhaps to control the behavior. Either way, I'm not sure this is really an ideal topic for the development gateway forum here. Would you like me to move this to the feedback forum instead?
bfarber's post in Changing order status for incoming orders was marked as the answerAre you talking about shipment orders? If so, they do not have multiple separate statuses. You can adjust from pending to shipped to cancelled, but cannot define custom statuses like "in progress". That's not a bad suggestion though, so you may wish to post in our Feedback forum requesting this change be added in a future release.
bfarber's post in creating a theme with theme editor or app development was marked as the answerI am unaware of any designers creating applications just to create their themes. Most designers use the theme system to create their themes, however many designers use Designers Mode for this purpose.
bfarber's post in sending multiple \IPS\core\AdminNotification was marked as the answerFor AdminCP notifications we would not recommend sending multiple of one instance (or trying to), but rather following the pattern we use of grouping the notifications appropriately.
When clicking on the "View all notifications" link you get more details, i.e.
bfarber's post in IPS Community Suite was marked as the answerIf you are self-hosted, we recommend taking a backup before applying upgrades as mentioned by @Miss_B.
It is often a good idea to upgrade a test installation first to ensure there are no compatibility problems before upgrading your live site. That said, as a general rule upgrading between minor point releases (i.e. 4.5.2 to 4.5.4) should not cause you any issues, while upgrading major point releases (i.e. 4.5.x to 4.6.0) should be treated with extra caution due to a higher likelihood that third party customizations such as plugins, applications and themes will no longer be compatible.
bfarber's post in Code doesn't execute if I turn off dev mode was marked as the answerI didn't spot any IN_DEV-specific checks or extra caching that would describe the behavior you are seeing. You will probably need to debug up the chain to see where the caching you are mentioning comes from.
bfarber's post in Memory + behaviour leak when destroying CKEditor instances was marked as the answerThanks, I've logged an issue internally to have this checked on for our next release. Appreciate the feedback!
bfarber's post in Query does not run in the upgrade version of the app was marked as the answerThe upgrade processes are not ran when installing an application, only when upgrading it. You need to create an install folder and add all the queries necessary for a new installation there. Look at one of our first party apps for an example (Blog, Downloads, etc.). You'll find applications/blog/setup/install/* which has everything needed for a new installation, and then any changes since the first version are individually tracked in the applications/blog/setup/upg_XXXXX/* version folders.