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Brad Olson

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Posts posted by Brad Olson

  1. Just an update. Tried the CLI converter and it got past the posts table but when it gets to rss_imported it gives this error:

    Processing: rss_imported                                                                 43%
    Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
    File: /system/Db/Db.php
    Line: 198

  2. Trying to do a test upgrade of our board from 3 to 4 and after it passes the system checks, it starts the UTF-8 conversion tool.

    Gets to the posts table and never gets any further. I've restarted the tool multiple times and the same thing happens.

    We have just over a million posts but I've given it 2+ hours and it never moves beyond that table.

    Looking at the actual database in phpMyAdmin, the new x_utf_posts table appears to be full and has the number or records it should.

    Any ideas what could be causing it to hang on this table?

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