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Tyler Loewen

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Posts posted by Tyler Loewen

  1. On 6/30/2020 at 2:17 PM, bfarber said:

    That sounds like the OAuth provider (Auth0) is throwing the error. You may need to look through their documentation or reach out to them for clarity.

    Turns out it was a problem with a plugin in Auth0 and I've managed to fix it. Cheers!

  2. I'm redirected to this URL from my Auth0 login/authorization page: https://mysite.com/forums/login/?_processLogin=10&csrfKey=XXX&ref=XXX&error=access_denied&error_description={"errors":{"email":["has already been taken"]}}

    Rather than an Invision Community error page, I'm just shown the login page. Invision Community is not logging any errors.

  3. I'm trying to add a new OAuth2 login handler using Auth0.

    The first time I sign in using Auth0, it either creates a new account, or links connected accounts. This works fine.

    The problem I'm experiencing is when I try to sign in for a second time. Upon being redirected back to my Invision Community, I get an error message saying that the email has already been taken.

        "error": {
          "message": "{\"errors\":{\"email\":[\"has already been taken\"]}}",
          "oauthError": "access_denied",
          "type": "oauth-authorization"

    For reference, we have two login methods active: Standard and Auth0. This error happens for both pre-existing and newly created accounts.

    How can I fix this so that users will be able to login with their credentials from our Auth0 app?

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