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Posts posted by fadedturbulence

  1. Where do I get the API from?

    And I loaded the newest beta yet in my ACP it shows 1.0.9 with update available?

    If someone has this working and would help me out please PM me.

    In the Applications section where you see it says update available, it should be a green button that is clickable. Click it and follow the upgrade procedure. Then you should be able to get upgraded to the latest version. I would backup my database if you have a lot of data in the app (markers and such) to just be certain you can revert if anything goes wrong.

    As for the API, I dont use the beta but I think the beta is using bing maps now, and I just googled bing maps api and got this link: http://www.microsoft.com/maps/choose-your-bing-maps-api.aspx not sure if that is it or not but a simple search should yield some results.

  2. Not sure if I am missing something but I have been lookin over all the settings and setup to figure this out but can't seem to.

    I am getting this error (attached).

    I have tried both v2 and v3 of the maps, both give this error (after putting in the API). Configured the api on google to restrict to my site using wild cards (like *.mysite.com and mysite.com/forums - where the map is being loaded from) and still says not accessible. Even using the v3 API of the Maps, it still say "not authorized for use on this Google Maps Javascript v2 API on this site". Is this add-on coded using v2 and now v2 is not in use anymore? I am confused...am I missing something?

    Looks like a fantastic mod

    EDIT: Looks like it 'was' my referrers..idk y, maybe it got confused. Anyway I think the v2 api is still working, no error after a few minutes now. Thanks! This IS a fantastic MOD :smile:


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