Everything posted by Clover13
Embed HEIC Images?
It's mainly newer phones defaulting to this format to save space. While not a huge problem, it's an increasingly reported one. No way to gauge how many abandon posting something because their upload fails to embed or is otherwise not an allowed file type extension.
Embed HEIC Images?
I understand there isn't a native approach to this that IPS offers, I was just wondering if anyone had come up with an alternate solution to support automated conversion (HEIC --> JPG) within IPS (i.e. plugin or some other approach).
Embed HEIC Images?
Bumping here in 2023, I see per @Stuart Silvester's link above HEIC is still unsupported by browsers. Does anyone have an automated and integrated IPS solution that allows for this versus telling members to update their phones or convert images themselves?
"Under Construction" mode
System >> Settings >> General Configuration You'll see a toggle for Site Online.
"Under Construction" mode
There is an Offline mode you can set and add a message to display on the screen. It will also allow you as an Admin to log in and see the site as it normally would be seen while others see the Offline message.
Missing Images
FWIW I'm missing images I know weren't deleted by the member who posted them. My guess is something got messed up in the transfer to S3 in my case. In retrospect I should have done image file counts and compared to S3 object counts after the transfer and kept a backup to restore whatever I needed. Now it's too late but fortunately not many instances of missing images.
Ignored member, still see a Topic they post?
I will say, the desire from a member to block another member doesn't have limitations. They undoubtedly want to see absolutely nothing from that member (topics, replies, quoted replies, etc). The challenge definitely is topics where you lose context once certain posts are hidden, but there's no avoiding that if you want to hide certain members and see others and there's a topic they are both participating in. In this particular use case, it just seems especially odd to hide the OP's post (topic's first post) but not the topic itself. You have zero context if you hide OP, so why would you want to see any replies to a first post you can't see?
Ignored member, still see a Topic they post?
When a member on my ignore list creates a Topic, I still see the Topic, but when I open it, the first post shows a message that the user is being ignore. Should it not just hide the entire topic? Granted you may see others post, but you'll have no context to the OP's initial post if you have them hidden.
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
OK thanks @Jim M
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
Hi, just another bump. I emailed as well, but saw this continues to crop up even with posts that aren't hidden. Once someone replies, it often reappears, but may or may not disappear when hidden or when other replies are added. It's pretty hard to reproduce and happens randomly it seems.
Sharing Video in Forums
I agree with @BHeidenreich66, there is a huge opportunity for better video integration within IPS and it's a massive demand of every niche's user base that could close the gap with social media platforms like FB. I too heavily compete with FB groups, and unfortunately FB dominates the "sharing" aspect. It's not even that IPS needs to host video (most site owners don't want to incur the storage cost), IPS just needs to provide a better workflow for leveraging existing video sites (which can also be monetized/shared/etc). It's what prompted my enhancement request submitted a year ago now to address this very thing.
Suggestion: Moderator Action to Convert Forum topic to Event
Just wanted to bump this one, as I run into it a lot now that I've tried to shift date related events to Events instead of a Forum topic. Members are constantly firing up Forum topics, which I then have to lock and ask them to repost in Events. Meanwhile the conversation has already started around the upcoming Event in the Forum topic and there's no way to migrate it to the Event to keep it all together. Just tons of fragmentation in conversation and discourages engagement because members don't want to repost/restart something in a different place just so the site can get it in an Event/Calendar format. Not sure if others are running into it, but if you are, please chime in here so we can get a higher priority on this functionality.
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
I have an email with Daniel, I sent him the new forum topic link that isn't showing, but I can add it to the client area notes as well.
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
Just a bump as I saw this on another site I have now too except this time it wasn't a hidden topic, it was an active one visible by all. It's visible in the forum it was posted under but not in the activity stream. This issue is being looked at by Invision Community Support, but has been inconclusive so far. Are any other site owners experiencing this by chance? One of those things you probably won't notice (since it's not showing) unless a member tells you or you happen to post something that doesn't show up and immediately recognize it isn't in the activity stream.
Suggestion: Enhance Event management to include plus N attendees in RSVP
OK, yeah it's not that I need a Guest to have access to add themselves, but I need a Member to RSVP + N (i.e. themself and whoever they may be bringing). Example is a dinner, the member is coming and bringing their wife and 2 kids, so an RSVP of the member + 3. It wouldn't be reasonable to have the member's wife and 2 kids each create an account just to RSVP. But it is very important to get an accurate RSVP count for capacity planning.
Suggestion: Enhance Event management to include plus N attendees in RSVP
Very nice @Adriano Faria! Does the Add/Remove Attendee option allow for adding a non-member? In my case, not all members plus Ns will be members of the site. Also, can a member Add/Remove an addition Attendee or only a mod/admin can perform this action?
Suggestion: Enhance Event management to include plus N attendees in RSVP
Often times, we have Events whereas the member will RSVP but may bring a guest or several guests. It would be a huge benefit to have a plus N capability with Event RSVP to get accurate counts and manage capacity. This is really a big gap in how we can effectively manage our Events through the IPS Event Calendar.
Suggestion: Moderator Action to Convert Forum topic to Event
Would be nice to be able to convert a Forum topic to an Event and have the topic OP become an editable Event, and all the replies become the comments. This would help maintain the history and context of the event discussion and then elevate it to an actual calendar event with dates/times, RSVP, etc.
EX1054 error updating Member Group
OK, that explains it, thanks @Adriano Faria! 🙂 All good now, uninstalled the app we were testing and the Member Group update works as expected. Thanks for the input as well @Jim M and @Miss_B
EX1054 error updating Member Group
Two sites running v4.7.6 One site updates fine, other errors. Neither has the offending column in the core_groups table. Receiving an error EX1054 when updating any group due to an unknown column 'example' existing. UPDATE `core_groups` `core_groups` SET `g_promote_exclude`=true,`g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_access_offline`=true,`g_hide_online_list`='0',`g_post_polls`=true,`g_vote_polls`=true,`g_close_polls`=true,`g_topic_rate_setting`=1,`g_append_edit`=true,`g_avoid_flood`=true,`g_avoid_q`=true,`g_bypass_badwords`=true,`g_edit_posts`=1,`g_hide_own_posts`=1,`g_delete_own_posts`=1,`g_lock_unlock_own`=1,`g_can_report`=1,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=true,`g_edit_profile`=true,`g_upload_animated_photos`=true,`g_can_msg_attach`=true,`g_create_albums`=true,`g_create_albums_private`=true,`g_create_albums_fo`=true,`g_download_original`=true,`g_movies`=true,`example`='' WHERE g_id=######## IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'example' in 'field list' (1054) #0 /home/#########/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(1159): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /home/#########/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(520): IPS\_Db->update() #2 /home/#########/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(229): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save() #3 /home/#########/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form() #4 /home/#########/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(39): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #5 /home/#########/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute() #6 /home/#########/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #7 {main}
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
OK I added that information, thanks Marc!
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
OK details to the URLs have been added. Thanks!
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
@Jim M can you send me a PM so I can send you some links? Interestingly, if I reply to them they re-appear in the same custom Activity Stream, but if I delete that reply, it no longer shows on that custom Activity Stream in the correct timeline (i.e. last reply date). The custom Activity Stream is set to show a Read Status of Everything.
Some hidden topics not showing in Activity Stream for Administrator role
Odd issue, seems like sometimes when I hide a topic it won't show in the Activity Stream any longer for myself (Administrator), whereas other topics do when hidden. Any ideas?
Locked task "queue" as well system logs
The queue task is no longer locked now, as others have also experienced. I was looking just at the queue task logs, I thought that's what others were referring to when they were looking at logs. Don't recall what other background tasks were running at the time. I'll review their logs if it happens again.