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Everything posted by Clover13

  1. I think the odd part is even the working community is failing often too, but it does work some of the time. The other thing is not all APIs are consistently failing, which in itself is odd. 2 day snapshot from the semi-working site:
  2. IPS: 4.7.9 Browser: Chrome I am testing Google Maps integration on two different sites. One works some of the time, and other times it doesn't. I just set up the second one about 30 minutes ago but it's seeing 100% error rates on Places API. The first one was setup last night (12+ hours ago). Billing is set up and OK. API keys I believe are set up correctly as far as I can tell and identical config on both sites (minus the keys themselves and domain restriction on the Public Key). Private key is set to None restriction to allow for dynamic IPs from host. I'll get an error like this on both sites with Places API, and other times on the one site it will work. I have tested with the default theme and disabling all marketplace applications and plugins one at a time. No JS errors in console when typing in the address, and no network errors when retrieving JS files from Google (all 200 status) or otherwise. Last hour of API calls during testing: Anyone having similar issues or any suggestions? Easy to test with Events in Create Event and typing in the address line. It should auto suggest addresses as you type. Edit: Also tried in Incognito mode and see same results. Works sometimes, most of the time see that error.
  3. As if the spammers are watching this topic, suddenly they changed their timezone to a US based one.
  4. Just noting amidst an active spam attack that many of the spammers have local IPs (VPN?) but their timezones are set to places like Kolkata India. Any way to set a Spam rule to check timezone to enforce a moderator approval? The chances of a user being outside a US timezone in my case is basically zero. I know not applicable for all (i.e. worldwide sites), but for us, it would cut down on that spam attack angle.
  5. Thanks @Randy Calvert and @Matt Finger So it sounds like the strongest differentiator is in the listing and landing page, and a large gap between page_view and content_view could indicate visitors simply refreshing/reloading the main landing page for updates but not actually diving into the content (or at least diving into content far less than 1:1). Probably an expected pattern overall, as not ever landing page load will have content every user in that moment wants to or has time to dive into right then and there. But too large of a gap could indicate your site's content isn't appealing to the larger audience enough, thereby not promoting clicking into content to view it deeper. Hopefully I'm interpreting that correctly based on the implementation. In any event, appreciate the feedback! 👍
  6. What is the difference between these two? content_view has a much lower count in GA for me. @Matt Finger
  7. I'm looking to track specifically a new member registration as an identified "conversion", but am unclear as to how to do that via InvisionCommunity in GA4. I do see the following in my site's GA4 property Data Streams showing a measurement of "Form interactions" and that data is flowing. I also see the following events but I don't think "form_submit" is granular enough to track the registration alone, i.e. I believe it accounts for login form submission as well? Any suggestions on how to track specifically a member registration?
  8. OK so looks like a residual reference from the deprecation of hosting servers you linked to. @Marc Stridgen
  9. @Adriano Faria Click the Bell with the 2 counter, and then click the Notification Settings link on top right of that modal popup.
  10. Is there a way to run a check for anything else that may be missing I'm not aware of? Rest of Commerce appears to be working ok (at least the parts I use). This Notification Settings is something I can't recall ever clicking before, I was just looking at it as now I see System Log error notifications that I didn't before and many of them happen often (i.e. bots trying to access endpoints they shouldn't, etc). I didn't double check the deprecation tracker, I thought hosting wasn't removed yet and maybe this was done prematurely when I saw the nexus_hosting_servers table. But it appears to be related to that. The Commerce menus for hosting are gone now, so assuming this table (or it's reference in Notification Settings) is residual. @Adriano Faria do you get the error on your site(s)?
  11. Hmmm no idea how that could happen, especially on both sites. I'll have to see what host says. Thanks Marc.
  12. Invision Community v4.7.9 Receiving this error on both of my sites when accessing Notification Settings via the AdminCP's bell icon (top right). Error: EX1146 Something went wrong. Please try again. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `nexus_hosting_servers` IPS\Db\Exception: Table 'xxxxxxxx.nexus_hosting_servers' doesn't exist (1146) #0 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(388): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Db/Select.php(370): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/applications/nexus/extensions/core/AdminNotifications/HostingError.php(97): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/overview/notifications.php(126): IPS\nexus\extensions\core\AdminNotifications\_HostingError::permissionCheck() #5 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\overview\_notifications->settings() #6 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #7 /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
  13. All good Nathan, not trying to cause an issue, just providing feedback on the behaviors. Appreciate you providing the application for free to help site owners.
  14. I'm confused, you would expect those items (All Activity items) to show up in custom streams? Let's talk paths and behaviors... Custom stream named "Recent Activity": /discover/6 All Activity (core default): /discover If I visit /discover/6, it will display the custom Recent Activity stream and I do not see "Member Joined" statuses. If I visit /discover with your mod disabled, it will display All Activity and I do see "Member Joined" statuses If I visit /discover with your mod enabled, it will display the custom Recent Activity stream and I do see "Member Joined" statuses Is that the expected behavior OR should it show exactly as /discover/6 would? If I view in Incognito mode as a guest, it doesn't default to the configured view, it defaults to Expanded. Steps: Navigate to menu Activity >> My Activity Streams >> Recent Activity (/discover/6) and it will load Condensed as configured You'll now see when you navigate to menu Activity, it will display All Activity as the left most submenu item. Click that and it will navigate to /discover and display as Expanded. So that means for guest viewing (generally a large portion of viewership), they'll be forced into a different view than members.
  15. I think it's a situation where the Activity Stream Settings apply to All Activity (i.e. Show in All Activity setting) but a custom stream doesn't appear to have any settings to customize these same things nor does it inherit them, they seem to only apply to All Activity. As such, I am seeing things like "Member joined" in my Overridden All Activity (i.e. I select my custom Recent Activity stream in your mod, but some things from All Activity are displayed). I actually don't mind seeing things like "Member joined" in the custom Activity stream, but I don't see any way to allow for this in the core configuration. Your mod just exposed this behavior that I'm assuming is a hybrid of All Activity and a custom stream when All Activity gets overridden in however you did it. See screenshots below. You can use the same settings, override with your mod to the custom Recent Activity stream configured and add a new member. The other nuance I originally mentioned was with Expanded vs Condensed views. The custom stream has Condensed configured but with your mod enabled, the default landing of that will be in Expanded rather than the Condensed setting.
  16. Was trying this out and I don't think it honors the configured Expanded vs Condensed view or a subset of items selected (ie topics, events, etc)? Or maybe it had to do with it also being the default module?
  17. Ah got ya. Ok I'll give that a try! 👍
  18. I have many of them, but what I'm doing here is creating a global block that contains many blocks. I have the keys for my custom blocks that I can add to my Global block and it works as desired. However, I don't have the keys for the core blocks.
  19. I'm working on creating a global Pages Block that contains a series of custom Blocks. The custom Blocks look great, I just want to add some of the core blocks such as Upcoming Events, Popular Contributors, etc. Is there is a list of these Block keys in the documentation anywhere? I searched but couldn't find it.
  20. Sent in PM, thanks Marc!
  21. EDIT: Self hosted, please move to that subforum if appropriate. Running version 4.7.9 Cleared caches, rebuilt search index after upgrade. Still experiencing problems where some topics are not appearing in Activity Stream when replied to. Similar to issue reported in previous release, however these are not hidden topics. A fix was identified for hidden topics and applied, however I'm still seeing the problem with visible topics: Feel free to PM or email and I can send an example of where this is occurring.
  22. +1 I'd adopt it if you were supporting it.