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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by stargazer1sd

  1. Thanks for the clarification. Changing conf_global.php did the trick. The forum seems to be operating normally now. Hopefully, this will continue as the actual users start exercising it. @Randy Calvert @Nathan Explosion Thank you so much for the info!
  2. Thank you! This host will support SSL cert(s). We turned off http to https redirect earlier, and it helped some. But, I think a lot of our users have an https shortcut. Right now, it seems like the right solution is to edit the conf_global file, and reactivate the HTTPS redirection. That should keep Chrome happy and uncomplaining. And thank you for pointing out the cache clear requirement.
  3. I think I found the root cause. Chrome wants some of the pages' JavaScript code delivered via https. It refuses to load that code, so a bunch of stuff on the page won't work. Is there any way to get the board to reference this code via HTTPS?
  4. We aren't currently using any of either. Now, we are self-hosted, and I didn't realize there was a different section of the forum for us. Should this be moved to that section?
  5. I disabled the ads, and the problem is still with us. Tried changing to default theme and still no joy.
  6. We have been having problems getting the Chrome browser to function with our forum. Firefix and Safari seem to work fine. Proximate cause is that the page's Javascript isn't getting called for click events. The forum is hosted on its own server and is running the current version. We are NOT using a content delivery network. This seems to have mysteriously appeared with a Chrome update. We were hoping that updating to the current version would rectify the problem but it hasn't. Any hints/guidance appreciated.
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