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Joel R

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Joel R

  1. Second set of impressions: 1. Import & Expect should be together. I also think you need three "Add" buttons: Add New Rule, Add New Rule Set, Add New Rule Group. 2. (Minor) When I adding a New Rule, I think it would be nice to add an optional Description or Notes section, where admins can free-form type in notes (maybe to help them outline the rule's ECA, or remind them how the rule fits within their rule group, or whatever. I can see how a notes section might help me personally plan out more elaborate rules). I'm also not sure why there's a title for every event, condition, and action since all I personally do is re-type the exact action, condition, and action. 3. (Minor) Rule Triggered When - I encourage you to consistently utilize present tense: "is updated / is deleted / is changed / is moved." 4. (Minor) ECA Categories - You use the square checkbox icon for the major category headings for Content, Content:Pages, Content: Forums, Content:Gallery ... except, those are more of category headings and not choices. 5. ECA Categories always includes pre-selected first option - In every event, condition, and action, the first option under the Content category is always selected and I can never uncheck it.
  2. Hi @Kevin Carwile, I just downloaded and installed the IPS Rules Lite and actually see the functionality behind IPS Rules. Some immediate feedback: 1) You have, hands-down, the cleanest and most educational introduction of any mod I've ever seen from the IPS Marketplace. The fact that you offer "Learn About Rules" directly within the mod makes it so much easier to understand and get started (and you even have a fancy custom background!!). This is the kind of thoughtful and detailed awesomeness that I like to see from a full-featured mod. 2) When it comes to your educational introduction, I'd like to suggest you break it into 3 separate tabs or sections. The first section talks about the basicscomponents of Event / Conditions / Actions. The second section talks about groups and sets. The last section talks about advanced topics like custom actions, custom data fields, debugging, and scheduled actions. Otherwise it's a lot to digest. (By the way, I still don't understand Rule Sets whatsoever ... it sounds like the movie Inception of dreams within dreams and OMG Leonardo di Caprio needs to save meh!) 3) When it comes to the the basic ECA, I encourage you to walk through two very simple examples so people can see the coding in action. 4) I think you should preload 2 or 3 very simple or basic rules so users can immediately mimic or start to see how it works.
  3. I'm not sure if the tool will purposely check for a duplicate, but in general I don't think the mod does. The reason why is that I've batch modified tags, and that sometimes creates duplicate tags.
  4. Minor, but helpful suggestions (part two): 1) Feed Action for New Albums vs New Images - I don't know if this is possible since you mimic the VNC, but it would be nice if there was a feed action for Albums. The reason why I ask is that one upload of, for example, 200 images to an album floods the stream with individual images. I've had to disable the New Images feed action. 2) Feed Action for Recurring Calendar Events - I have calendar events that are recurring on a weekly basis. It seems like you only offer feed actions for newly-created calendar events. It would make sense for recurring calendar events to appear in the stream when the time is appropriate. - And as an advanced note, I'm not sure how you would make events appear in the stream. Would they be pinned for the duration of the event? Would they be posted at the beginning of the event and then pushed down as more actions take place? They're both valid strategies. 3) Categories to choose from - For each feed action, it would be nice if I could define from what categories the feed would generate. For example, the forum feed action would pull from Introductions, Announcements, but not from Off Topic. 4) Advanced Styling per Feed Action - This is still sort of a hazy idea on my part, but it would be nice if you could offer advanced styling and color options for certain feed actions to make them appear different ... by adding a custom icon or photo, different styling of text or adding prefixes / tags, a different color background, etc. For example, maybe I'd like to highlight forum feed actions from the Announcements board since they contain important updates.
  5. And ... you can ignore my support request. I thought it would poll any existing and prior activity to appear in the stream, but it only takes into account future activity.
  6. Minor, but helpful suggestions: 1) Action Types - Default Name: I encourage you to leave the default name when someone tries to Edit. Otherwise, if they save without doing anything, ti wipes out the name because the default is blank! 2) Action Types - Sorting: Can you provide categories for groups of action types related to Board, Pages, Downloads, Gallery, etc? Otherwise, they're all kind of jumbled together. Reordering would be nice too. 3) Can you provide info for Retention Period? I've installed and added the block to my homepage, but it doesn't appear once I save the page. Can you advise? I can provide AdminCP access via PM
  7. Reporting a Bug: When choosing a default prefix, there's no option to select whatever is the first prefix in the allowed list (and yes, I did already click Save to refresh the list of available prefixes). See screenshot.
  8. I agree. The casual hobbyist and enthusiast admin are highly limited with what's out of the box and there continues to be an expectations gap of what IPS markets Pages to be and what we can actually accomplish.
  9. Congrats on the release
  10. @Ryan H. thanks for the update, it appears to be a conflict between Videobox and
  11. I'm pretty sure this is a conflict with the Advanced Tags & Prefixes: when I try to "Add new article" in an articles database, it goes to a white screen. The support function states that there's an error with Fields.php
  12. Suggestions: 1. When you add / delete a tag in the Tag Editor, I think it would be much more efficient to do it in a smaller modal window AND you stay on the same page. Each page refresh takes you back to the very beginning, which can be cumbersome if you're on later pages. 2. Prefixes - Allow a grouping or category of prefixes. For example, some prefixes may be for the "marketplace" (buying, selling, for sale, proposal) and others might be general discussion (politics, business, world news, humor, tech). 3. Allowed Prefixes in Categories - The ability to easily add ALL prefixes or grouping of prefixes.
  13. Joel R


    Make sure you refresh cache
  14. Joel R


    @onlyME I've sent you a personal message. The newest update breaks various functions for me.
  15. Joel R


    Congrats on the update!
  16. Joel R


    Can I make a suggestion to include "Video Online" in Edit Video. I don't know why it's separated.
  17. Joel R


    Congrats on new release.
  18. Joel R


    Does this work with custom media embed codes, or only the ones supported as part of Videobox?
  19. Can I ask how this is is different from the default Latest Members?
  20. ​This might have more to do with the fact that your own navigation on this community sucks. Your inability to discern that the search function is not a downloads directory sucks even more. Your complaining sucks the most. Yeppers. You get the point. There's an active Marketplace, with a category for IPS 4 called "Look & Feel." You'll find the skins in there, where you can filter by Free or Paid.
  21. Hi, just to check does this work with IP.Board 3.4 and is this hook available as an IP.Content block?
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