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Posts posted by AndoMike

  1. On 8/18/2020 at 8:25 AM, Lindy said:

    The majority of our customers have a reasonable expectation to trust that what they install from our Marketplace has been reviewed by IPS. If the Android approach works better for you - we don't take it personally. You have to decide what is important to you but you're not going to get the taste of Coke Zero in a Pepsi Max can (I prefer Coke Zero, if you were curious, but you may prefer Pepsi 😉) -- there's no point in choosing Brand A, if you just want it to mimic Brand B. 

    The modern web landscape has changed significantly. There are a decreasing number of platforms that have "downloadable content." We are a point. click. install. done. society now and we've found that represents the mindset of the majority of our customer base, from personal all the way to enterprise.

    Funny, I find most of my problems with IPS has been a result of IPS' code and (lack of) review. Your company seems to be constantly looking for new ways to screw over its existing customers (upgrades wont run without active support, can't download without active support, breaking or removing big features of a previous release, killing off IP content, random things not working with minor upgrades, oh and that whole dis-honoring the perpetual license thing). I was a customer, but you never listened to any issues I had or gave a dam about them, so I switched to Xenforo, its been fantastic since. I still have my IPS license, and I may one day use it for something else, but I find the attitude of your company to leave a bad taste and this latest move stinks.

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