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Posts posted by karld

  1. 18 hours ago, Mike John said:

    Advertisement code like that would need to be included within the Portal template bit itself. What position were you looking to add the ad?

    Hi I wanted to put it in the left panel but not in the default advertisements areas.
    Prior to upgrading to ipb 4 I used to use the hook custom blocks which you could pull this kind of content or add html etc.


  2. Hi I have created a new portal block for an advertisement on the left blocks, so created a custom advertisement with key {advertisement="block_side"} I put this in the block and all that's coming up is {advertisement="block_side"} no image or link, any ideas where i'm going wrong please?

  3. Hi had this on ip3 but upgraded to 4 and just downloaded new version of this app, all seems to work apart from the  Send welcome topic? when i select this and save I just get EX4096 Something went wrong. Please try again. this error 

  4. Think this is it says latest and thats the last thing I did, 

    Sun, 31 Jan 2016 15:03:19 +0000 (Severity: 2) - http://www.bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/index.php?/articles.html/articles/&do=form&pid=55
    2: Creating default object from empty value
    #0 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/init.php(434) : eval()'d code(42): IPS\IPS::errorHandler(2, 'Creating defaul...', '/home/birdsbud/...', 42, Array)
    #1 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/system/Content/Item.php(97): IPS\cms\hook53::formElements(NULL, Object(IPS\cms\Categories1))
    #2 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/system/Content/Item.php(58): IPS\Content\_Item::buildCreateForm(Object(IPS\cms\Categories1))
    #3 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/applications/cms/modules/front/database/category.php(441): IPS\Content\_Item::create(Object(IPS\cms\Categories1))
    #4 [internal function]: IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_category->form()
    #5 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): call_user_func(Array)
    #6 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Dispatcher.php(294): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #7 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(177): IPS\cms\Databases\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 [internal function]: IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->__call('form', Array)
    #9 [internal function]: IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\page->form()
    #10 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): call_user_func(Array)
    #11 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #12 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(129): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->execute()
    #13 /home/birdsbud/public_html/bbia.co.uk/bbia-forums-v2/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #14 {main}


    I selected members articles.


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