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Eric Allione

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Posts posted by Eric Allione

  1. Your custom css worked and it looks much better like that. Thank you!

    But rows are enabled, yes. Will send you credentials. 

    Edit: Taman resolved my issue. Turned out the Magnum theme just needed to be reinstalled again, and for some reason something became corrupted in my global template the first time I tried to reinstall it.


  2. I just doublechecked, and as far as I know I followed each of those instructions exactly. Have been repeatedly emptying my cache.

    I'm willing to settle for the native footer in Magnum -- but I would lose my Twitter feed or it seems the ability to use raw HTML such as to embed Twitter with raw html. 

    However, this little bit in custom.css is no longer doing its trick to get rid of the dotted lines and make them solid:

    .af_Container .linksBlo .ipsDataList li, .af_Container .articlesBlo li {border-bottom: 1px solid;}

    Maybe that's because this only ever applied to the advanced footer, but it would be nice to get rid of those dotted lines in the native footer in the absence of the advanced footer.

  3. Hello, first off I am a big Taman fan.

    Having a problem though getting the advanced footer to work or even be visible. I must be missing something very basic since this seems to be working for others.

    I had the Magnum theme and Advanced Footer plugin and left site alone for a while. Came back today and did forum upgrades and then the colors/contrast/everything essentially broke. So, I installed the latest Magnum theme and lost all customization. This fixed all of the contrast issues from the upgrade and I've updated most of the configs by now.  

    Unfortunately, as would be predicted, the advanced footer was no longer working right -- but I did read this support thread and do understand that it's an application now. However, I've tried installing/reinstalling the app (after uninstalling the plugin) and now I cannot get anything to appear as an advanced footer. For a short moment I got one column to work but cannot reproduce that. 

    I've been trying every tweak I could think of on the settings but so far not getting anything, so unless I can resolve this it's goodbye to my advanced footer, which makes me sad because it was perfect for its purpose and also gave me a Twitter feed.

    I'm on IPS cloud hosting using the latest versions: IPB 4.3.4.

  4. Thanks Taman. Much easier to see with a darker color.

    However, the logo text is still pretty hard to see with thin letters. I tried putting <strong > </strong > tags into various parts of the global template but that did not work. Is the template to complicated for a simple fix like that to implement bold logo text? Perhaps it would just be better to use a transparent text logo

  5. Hello,

    Does anyone know what Front-End Color represents the site title on the default white palette? I'm trying to making my site title a little bit darker so it can be seen. This is what it looked like with the default colors.



    Also, I could not find which color is under "create" and the notifications in the upper right. Trying to make that much darker because on mobile it takes up the whole row and does not look good to have two rows with the same dark blue like that.


    I tried to go down almost the whole palette changing everything to bright pink and back to figure out what is what, but that proved to be a difficult task.

  6. I installed this, enabled it for all groups, yet there is no "Pinned Topics" button available. This does not appear to work on 4.2.

    Edit: Found an alternative solution and confirmed it to work on 4.2:

    Still would have been nice just to be able to sort the topics but I had to uninstall newbie LAC's app. It has not been supported in two years but is a useful concept so had to give it a try.

  7. Hello, new fan here. About how difficult would it be to make a footer look like this? If I try to more than two columns of "Site Links" then it pushes it down into another row rather than cutting across the right half of the page. This example below is from a different theme in which the footer was the only part that I liked. 


    It would also be desirable to be able to remove the ".........." separators in between the footer links on your theme or to use visuals similar to what's above.

    This is what the ACP in the footer section looks like in the them pictured above: 


    I tried to copy those setting values over but it didn't work.


    Edit: Below is a screenshot of the best I could do using the parameters in the footer section on Magnum. Too much space under and above the headers and can only make those two columns. I also believe it would look much more professional with the divider style in the screenshot at the top of this post. Those columns also afforded this same text just enough space not to force anything on two lines. The column on the right also is a bit bigger (a better width). My target would be to have four columns with the same width of column two, with the discretion to use one of them as an "About me" but not in BB code.



  8. First of all, thank you for this wonderful app. thumbsup.png

    I've installed it and it works, but for some reason I can't open the 'IP.Board. Member Map' item in IP.Board ACP, under the 'My Apps' menu. I get just a blank page with 'nopermission' response...

    What am I doing wrong?


    I too get the white screen of doom with the plain text saying 'nopermission'. However... everything appears to be working regardless (members can add their locations). Since it's working I assume I can live without using the 'Other Apps' feature of this? I'm not sure exactly what I'm missing there. I can't remember if this part was working before, but I had disabled this for a while since I was the only member and a member map seemed silly at the time (I might have broke it by disabling it.) So, maybe a fresh install would do it but I'd rather not go through the routine again to get new API2 keys since Google only wanted to give me API3 and it was hard to find.

    A couple more questions,

    1) There is no way to automatically have member locations be updated from the profile right? I have to prod each member to add it themselves or log onto their accounts for them?

    2) That issue about being automatically zoomed into the surrounding local square mile has not been resolved right? Obviously it would be much better if the default view was the entire world, which is no doubt going to confuse many members. Still better than no member map!

    Other than those issues this is awesome. I can only imagine how much of a pain it is to code around Google's APIs/keys etc.

  9. It's working perfectly on v3.3.4.

    However, it would be nice if the member map didn't have to be featured as one of the main tabs. For example, it could be discoverable under the Member Tab or in the profile menu. It's a nice feature but I don't think it needs THAT much attention.

    Still, great app :)

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