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  1. Gametracker is showing them fine. I thought it might be the ports but as it works elsewhere, I will have to dig a bit deeper/ check for other issues.
  2. Re installed via marketplace and same thing. Menu not showing but I can create a link manually to /servers/. #edit# although main menu not showing for me, you have the option to add blocks from side menu #edit#. Server(s) not showing online but offline. Under Requirements, it says: PHP 5.6+ - Tested in PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1 & 7.2 I am using PHP7.4 and CentOs8 on a dedicated server, I dont know if that (PHP7.4) is causing these issues.
  3. I did look in the menu manager but not showing. I installed via the marketplace integration via admin panel and not the usual FTP way. No errors, it appeared to have installed OK. Maybe something during install went wrong still. I will re install using manual old way to see if it makes any difference. Re servers not showing but offline, a couple of posts seem to indicate similar issues. As an example gametracker can access fine and track the server(s) but serverlist is not showing or says offline. ACP not showing or indicating errors. I thought it might be the firewall (dedicated server) but ports open and gametracker is fine. If others are having the same problem. I must either do the same mistake or typo somewhere for it to not work or the install simply didnt work. I will check again after the manual install to see if it has made any difference.
  4. Sent you a message. Please provide refund before chargeback.
  5. Servers showing offline and not working as expected. How can I get a refund.
  6. Just bought this via admin panel. After installation it doesnt create a 'servers' tab and you have to use direct link e.g. domainname.com/servers/ its like the installation wasnt completed. Added 2 servers to test and they are showing offline , reading the other posts, is this 4.5 compatible or not?
  7. OK thanks. Keep up the good work. I have in the past used 3-4 of these game server list variations. They dont last and stability could be questioned. Your version the best of the lot used in the past, just by browsing the docs, test demo and in general support. Dont think submitting servers and rcon commands would be too difficult, hopefully one day it will be considered.
  8. Can others create/submit servers? Does it support basic rcon commands via interface?
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