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Posts posted by Shyatic

  1. I'm kind of disappointed here as well, as Cleancut is my skin of choice as well, but since it's not maintained with the package it's difficult to figure out if there's an update for it.

    Let us know when we can download the skin with the main package -- I think this is an amazing skin and it's unfortunate IPS is choosing to use their default rather than this, because damn... this is a lot prettier :)

  2. Where can we download it, is it finalized, etc?

    I checked my account, can't find any links to download it. Wasn't it supposed to be finalized a while ago?

    Just curious :)

  3. I have been looking forward to downloading Cleancut since I've seen it, as it's one of the few skins that leaves the header alone so I can just put up a simple image there -- I am interested to see if there is any information coming out about that.

    Much obliged for any info... or is Cleancut already able to be downloaded, and I missed it?

    Thanks :)

  4. Just wondering if you can create a system that integrates with IPB or uses its login auth system as like a plugin, that will let you manage a subscription based service (a bit beyond what the subscription manager does) like a magazine or online game. Let's say I want to use "coupon codes" that can extend a subscription. Let's say I want people to be able to pre-pay 6 months, or a year with a discount. Let's say they go month to month. I want them to be promoted into a 'paid users' group if they are currently subscribed, and demoted out if they are not so they can't see some forums.

    How would I start going to do this? What method or avenue is there? I am not asking anybody to WRITE it for me, but at least to get a start on an API or the documentation to figure out how to link it all in and make a really customized addon for IPB that works for my needs.


  5. Will that upgrade work? I don't want to bother with RC2 since I can wait for final, the forums aren't being used much on my site right now anyway...

    Anyhoo... just curious :)

  6. Sounds like you need to use the built in portal and set up a news forum. Check out my site


    I use the built in portal. With the news forum only admins can start new topics. I have it so that the last 3 topics have their first post on the front page.

    Hope this helps.


    Not exactly.... I want to have a "news" forum where a few admins can post news, and then a "featured news" that remained "stickied" at the top until the next "featured" news articles comes along to replace it. Very simply, it would look like this:


    Look at how the main (big) picture is their 'featured' article, and then everything underneath it is a simple news article.

    I wonder if there's a way to do this by playing with the code or not, but I don't want to go down the road of reinventing the wheel if I don't have to. Wordpress can do this easily, but then matching the template to the IPB template I'll have will require a lot of work, plus I won't get the benefit of having the user groups and all that stuff shared.

    Any ideas?
  7. I'm trying to do a "featured post", and underneath that create news so I don't have to recreate the wheel in Wordpress or something to match my IBP template (plus users, and other features).

    Is there a way to do that? Essentially what I want is have a 'featured post' with a graphic or something, some information on it, and that's about it, and underneath that pull the 'news' from another forum. I guess it would be two forums to do that.

    Any help is appreciated in that regard... not sure if it's possible or not, but I think it's something that allows me to use IPB as my frontend for everything, rather than just for the forums.

  8. Just curious, as I'm trying to work on getting some stuff ready for my site, I wanted to take a look at the portal page to get an idea for the look and feel of it, and how to customize it a bit for my purposes.

    Let me know if there's a portal page up right now, so I can at least make some sketches on paper :)


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