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Posts posted by GreenSock

  1. We're trying to send a bulk email. We have an issue on iOS's Mail app where a margin on the <body> is being added (it seems to ignore all <style> tags). However, I cannot seem to inline the styles because the bulk email editor strips it, even when I try to escape it. I realize that it says "Mail Body" but I'm using the "No Wrapper" setting so I'd expect it to allow me to post in a whole HTML email, not just the body's content.

    When I check the database for previous emails, I see that they have !DOCTYPE and other things like that (not sure how those worked) so I know it's somehow possible. When I try to set the email's content via SQL with this code:

    update core_bulk_mail 
    set mail_content='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html...'
    where mail_id=31;

    I get the following error:


    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/' at line 2

    Any idea how I can set inline styles on the body tag?

  2. Still no answer? 😞

    I just had a few moderators (who had been members for years) blocked. It seems to have started randomly asking people to re-enter their email (which is what led to one of the moderators getting blocked). Something seems very wrong with Mail Bouncer at this point, and I'm going to have to disable it for now for fear that I'm losing customers/users. I hope it gets fixed soon. 

  3. I noticed a few problems:

    1. I can't seem to whitelist certain member groups. For example, a moderator just got blocked (no idea why). I wish I could whitelist groups. Maybe I missed how to do it? 
    2. When I tried to find that moderator in the list of blocked users, I sorted by "disabled" (date), assuming his would be toward the top (most recent). It didn't show up at all in the list. Then I searched by his username and BOOM, there he was. Something seems very wrong with the column sort feature.
    3. Is there any way to discern WHY a user was blocked exactly? I'm trying to troubleshoot this moderator who got blocked after years of using our forums.  
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