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Posts posted by P1P2C

  1. Hello,

    After upgrading our forum to latest version (4.7.5) and PHP 8 the Member Map application isn't working anymore and is disabled (which was expected). We've purchased the updated version (Community Map), but when trying to deploy it there's a message stating "This resource is already installed and up to date". I've asked some help to the developer, he says that it should be removed or corrected by support : 


    Can you have a look at this and do the needed action ?


  2. 20 hours ago, Martin A. said:

    You don't say which Invision Community version you've upgraded from. Have you selected as part of the 4.5 onboard process that the "Member Map" application you have installed is "Community Map" from the marketplace? In your application list, when you click on the "Marketplace" link, are you taken to the Communtiy Map page? 
    If this is the case you'd have to get IPS support to remove this connection, or link Member Map with the correct Marketplace file.

    We're currently running latest Invision version (4.7.5), previous one was 4.7.3 (the last which could still run on PHP 7.4). Here's how the application is displayed in the list :

    Could contain: Page, Text

    So it still points to the old version, not to Community Map.

  3. Hello,

    We've migrated recently our forum to PHP 8, so as planned the old Member Map doesn't work anymore. We've bought the Community Map, when I have a look at the Marketplace to install it states that "This resource is already installed and up to date".

    I guess it's because Member Maps is still present in Applications, albeit it's deactivated. If I try to uninstall the old applicaation it states that "All data belonging to this application will be completely deleted", which I don't want (got a few hundreds markers I'd like to save).

    What's the correct way to migrate from Member Map to Community Map without losing data (I hope there's one 😬) ?

  4. On 9/10/2020 at 8:35 PM, Paul E. said:

    Are you certain it's not white text on a white background? Try the default theme.

    Default theme indeed works, our customizations seems to just have been disrupted by new versions, we're trying to fix this.

    On 9/10/2020 at 11:07 PM, RocketStang said:

    Did you guys run the support tool in the ACP and see if anything was wrong?

    Yes, no problem at this stage, it's only related to new behavior regarding CSS (which is still annoying).

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