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Posts posted by UziyerDaddy

  1. Sorry to raise this topic again, but there is still an issue from the last fix that your guys kindly did for me.

    Everything was transferred to ticket before, but when trying the newest software update, I get an error:



    My site is stuck in an update loop again and I can't get out of it.

  2. I've just renewed the Galley app after a very long time.

    The guide says I needed to download the latest software version and upload/overwrite current files, so I did that.

    When it came to install, I went to the ACP, found the button to install the Gallery, and I got this:

    Could contain: Text


    I tried again (for some reason) and then got this:

    Could contain: Text, Page, Computer Hardware, Electronics, Hardware

    Can anyone shed any light on this, in words that even I can understand? 😆



  3. 13 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    It sounds like you actually deleted that member group.  

    Create a new member group called "Moderators" or whatever you want it to be.  

    ACP > Members > Groups

    I actually have one called "Global Moderators" that are unrestricted moderators and another just called "Moderators" that are individuals who moderate specific forum(s).


    Ok, I have created this group, but there is no access to ModCP and a test account in that group shows that the typical mod tools don't exist (edit, delete, move etc.) This has been my problem right from the start with creating a new Mod group. It simply doesn't work in the way a Moderator would expect.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    You can define moderator groups by going to your ACP.  

    ACP > Members > Staff > Moderators

    That is going to be domain.com/admin/?app=core&module=staff&controller=moderators

    If you don't have a moderator group there already, you can add one.  In the upper right side of the screen will be a green "Add Moderator" button.  Click it.

    Could contain: Text, Page

    You'll see a screen that says:

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    Pick which group you want to be a moderator and choose Save.  You can then edit that group if you don't want them to be an unrestricted moderator.  



    Cheers, I'll look into that.

    If I do that, the mod group isn't there as it's now gone:

    Could contain: Page, Text

  5. 3 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:


    Check to see if you have an existing member group for moderators.  If not, add one.  



    It's exactly this I'm struggling with. I can't find a way to create a moderator group....one which has the mod tools. It's easy to create a group which has unlimited everything, but not one which is specifically a moderator.

    Am I missing something here?

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