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Posts posted by Samourai

  1. The default zoom is relative to your members localisation. For example, if they are all in France, it will automatically zoom on France, though if they are all around the world, the map will show wider space and more countries.

  2. Thanks a lot for your great help !
    Just wondering though, if I could put something else than a letter ? A custom image for example, or a special character, and if so, how ?
    Thanks a lot !

  3. Talking about that, how could I change the 'F' image ? As my community isn't in english, "F" doesn't mean anything for my members.
    Also, I was wondering if I could put the default view on "Mixt", instead of "Plan" or "Satellite" ? :D

    Thanks a lot !

  4. Hi !

    I've downloaded it, and... Okay, I'll maybe look like an idiot but whatever... I do not manage to create a proper API Key, I beleive, as when I go in my Google api account, and then in the tab "Api acces", though I use the key for server apps or for browser apps (tried both), and then enter them in the system parameters... it doesn't work.
    An error message is displayed, in a popup window, telling me my API key isn't valid.

    How should I do ? Is an OAuth API key required or anything ? Can't manage to make the app work :(
    Thanks for your support, and sorry, I'm quite newbie with Google services.

  5. Hello,

    Does it work with 3.3.x ?
    Also, I'd like to know... If I would like the % of positive feedback, the number of +/-/neutral feedback, etc... not to be displayed like that under the profiles, how could I do ? I mean, would it be possible, under the topics, to have a "More infos" collapse link, a bit like this mod does, so that people would only see these infos when they are interested, and click on the link ?

    I don't know if I'm very comprehensible, sorry.

    Best regards,

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