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Keith J Kacin

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Posts posted by Keith J Kacin

  1. I think this is just being overcomplicated. You simply go to where you registered your domain (ovh.com) and register the the nameservers they gave you, to the IPs they gave you. Most domain registrars provide a way of doing this using their interface, some require you to contact them.

    Your server management company just wants you to have the:
    ns1 =
    ns2 =

    Once that is done, you can use those as nameservers for your domains, which will point the DNS to your new server.

  2. That 'right there in front of you' doesn't actually tell you how to change a setting, such as, say, how to disable certain login requirements (capcha, etc), or how to change the site's default theme, and it shouldn't. While it's good to have what's there there, it's not that helpful. THAT is why you need a manual. NOT a 'getting started guide', NOT a help screen @ the top of the page

    To be fair, I have no viewed an IPB Admin CP since early 3.0 betas. I'm not sure what was added/removed in terms of the help. So I cannot vouch for what is in the help text, but I believe the idea behind it is a good one.
  3. While I agree documentation is important, I feel the integrated help they have is useful. If you are on a certain page of your Admin CP and you want to know what something does, the help for it should be right there in front of you. That is how it is currently.

    Developer documentation is a completely separate thing.

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