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Westfield Sports Car Club

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  1. Yeah - that might explain things, but I also think that the Admin who did this (not me btw) originally applied it to customers paying £35 a year, then when that failed, he tried a different figure. BUT... I do need to now go back and ask the question!
  2. Hi @Jim M and @Marc I am acting as a bit of a go-between here for the person who looks after our memberships/purchases. The info provided to me is in the form of multiple screen shots, so that's not something I can add to the "notes", but the screen shots do contain some info that shouldn't be public. I have had to interpret this and avoid the non-public info as best I can so that you can investigate, so here goes... Log in to our ACP, go to Commerce->Store->Products. Select the first one (WSCC Individual membership) and edit it, then go to pricing. You should see the price is £53.00 - this was originally £35.00. On save you see this: then... You then get a "processing" bar which indicates all is well... But if you then review the test user's purchase buy going to Members and searching for Scott Young you still see the old price of £35.00 Apparently, the last time this process was undertaken (July this year) these prices were updated. I hope this helps! Chris
  3. We are experiencing a failure to apply a new updated renewal price to an existing purchase in ACP -> Commerce -> Store -> Products. Store Product | Pricing | Renewals | Renewal Options | Price can be adjusted to new price (in this case from £35 to £53), then Save is pressed. New screen appears with “Would you like the changes you have made to be applied all existing purchases, or just to new purchases?”. “Update Existing Purchases” is selected. New screen appears confirming desired change amount, then “Continue” is pressed. A “Processing…” bar appears that fills from left to right in percentage until it reaches 100%, which takes several minutes, then returns to the main Products page after completion. Subsequent checks show new renewal price for existing purchases has failed to update. Price is, however, correct for new purchases. (This was working as expected on 21 July 2024 by the way) Thanks in advance. Chris
  4. We have an issue where the forum/uploads/javascript_global/root_library.js is missing Can we simply upload this manually? If so where can I get a copy. Thanks!
  5. Just to follow up - the patch appears to be doing its job perfectly. Thanks for the excellent support 👍
  6. Removing FORCE INDEX makes a massive difference! I ran the full query manually and it just hung for over 5 mins, then without FORCE INDEX it ran in an instant - with only a few results though. EXPLAIN output attached as CSV forum_WSCC Forum_29-05-2024@12-34.csv
  7. Ours is also running ridiculously slow, albeit randomly. We're seeing 100% CPU load at times. MySQL version 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 Invision Community v4.7.16 Appears to be related to a search query "IPS\Content\Search\Mysql\_Query::search:152*/ SELECT main.* FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` FORCE INDEX(`index_date_updated`) WHERE <long query here>...
  8. Yes, like I said, it is weird that it wasn't working, but it is now... We'll keep an eye on it
  9. Well... it was when I was asked about it by one of the Moderators and I checked before I put the suggestion here. I've just checked again and it does link to a profile. Not sure what happened now...
  10. Hi again, the updated widget works perfectly for us, thank you very much! One more suggestion if I may? On the previous widget, the user shown to have a birthday was 'clickable'. I.e. you could click through to the user's profile from the widget. Something to consider for the next revision?
  11. Wow, fantastic! Thank you so much!
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