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Posts posted by ThomasDiy

  1. So I'm trying to set up an online newspaper covering local news in my area. However, I need some kind of plugin that works with Pages. That basically requires a subscription or signin in order to read the full article. This way, when people visit my website and read my articles, they're forced to sign up. So that way I have their e-mail address for my Weekly Newsletter. Or I can. Provide a preview and force people to subscribe.

    So below is a example of what I'm talking about used by another newspaper. https://wvdn.com/125897/ 

    So does anybody have any recommendations?

  2. I'm having the same issues with the date. I only have two Plugins installed one is Google Docs Embed 1.0.3 and the other is FX News Lite 1.0.12 At first I thought it was a bad plugin. But this post confirms that I'm dealing with the same bug. I'm trying to set up a new section and I need to back date some articles from past events. Extremely frustrating. But I had several articles already back dated without issue. But I made a post on the front end and then it set the article to hide and then change the date on all of my other articles. I thought it was the server doing something funky at first. But I'm wondering if this is a front end bug. 

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