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Posts posted by sseguin613

  1. Hello, I am trying to share links to webpages on my site however Facebook doesn't display the image. Even when I use the FB Debugger to rescrape (the debugger shows the image, but trying to post afterwards on Facebook still yields no image).

    For example, if I try to post this link to Facebook

    I can go to the Facebook Debugger, rescrape the page and sometimes an image appears and sometimes no image appears, and then go write the post on Facebook (the image usually shows in the box here fine), but as soon as I click Post, the image disappears and all I have is the box with the page title and text snippet underneath with an empty image frame).

    Really not sure what else to try, all the help online suggests using the Facebook debugger to rescrape, which shows the image there but not after I actually do the post.

    Currently I have the default share image to a generic image, but the text next to that option says that if there isn't an image in the post it would use the default. If I remove the default share image, I get nothing that comes up.

    Please help. I am at a total loss what the issue is.

    Thank you.


  2. IS there a way to have the menu have translated item names or items based on language?

    For example in english the Home button should go to one link and the French Accueil button should go to another link (in french).

    Any way to do this?

    Or atleastto have different menu names based on the language set?

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