Everything posted by andavis
New Google consent management requirements for serving ads in the EEA and UK (for publishers)
@Dreadknux which CMP did you choose?
Cookie Consent Redirects User to Home Page
The link is not working...
The record feed widget is not working - I've not had an issue with this before
Which template do I have to edit to make some changes to the Record Feed? I cannot find it nowhere...
Forum topics disappeared
I did it, the rest of the site seems ok, but the forum section is not working...
Forum topics disappeared
ΟΚ, so you also believe that this queries are correct and will probably solve the problem? The last time I run them the website was down and there were no forum catogories, post etc.
Forum topics disappeared
The hosting insist that there isn't any other problem in the server. The database errors I can get from the Get Support page are: There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are: CREATE TABLE `ipb_forums_forums_new` LIKE `ipb_forums_forums`; ALTER TABLE `ipb_forums_forums_new` ADD COLUMN `id` SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , ADD COLUMN `topics` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD COLUMN `posts` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD COLUMN `last_post` INT NULL , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`); INSERT IGNORE INTO `ipb_forums_forums_new` SELECT * FROM `ipb_forums_forums`; DROP TABLE `ipb_forums_forums`; RENAME TABLE `ipb_forums_forums_new` TO `ipb_forums_forums`; -- Are there any recomendations from you?
Forum topics disappeared
It is the 3rd time I am restoring the forum from a backup and after 2 hours the same problem. I get a critical update error for database issues. Can anybody from Invision Team check for a solution?
Forum topics disappeared
Earlier today I did the option 1, so I restored a backup and problem solved for 2-3 hours. Now the same problem with the database and some other suggestion in the Get Support page come again and I am looking for a solution.
Forum topics disappeared
No after the restore I didn't run anything, just waiting to check that everything was allright. But two hours ago the same problem appeared.
Forum topics disappeared
When I did that all the forums disappeared. Marc checked and said:
Forum topics disappeared
or There are some problems with your database. Normally it is safe to try to fix these problems automatically however if your community is large, you may want to run the necessary queries manually. If so, the queries to run are: ALTER TABLE `ipb_core_clubs` DROP INDEX `location_lat`, ADD KEY `location_lat` (`location_lat`,`location_long`), ADD KEY `type` (`type`), ADD KEY `name` (`name`(191)), ADD KEY `content` (`content`), ADD KEY `last_activity` (`last_activity`); CREATE TABLE `ipb_forums_forums_new` LIKE `ipb_forums_forums`; ALTER TABLE `ipb_forums_forums_new` ADD COLUMN `id` SMALLINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , ADD COLUMN `topics` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD COLUMN `password` VARCHAR (32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL , ADD COLUMN `password_override` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL , ADD COLUMN `last_title` VARCHAR (255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL , ADD COLUMN `qa_rate_questions` TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL , ADD COLUMN `solved_stats_from_cutoff` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 , ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`), ADD KEY `forum_password` (`password`), DROP INDEX `widget_performance`, ADD KEY `widget_performance` (`min_posts_view`,`password`(20),`password_override`(160),`can_view_others`); INSERT IGNORE INTO `ipb_forums_forums_new` SELECT * FROM `ipb_forums_forums`; DROP TABLE `ipb_forums_forums`; RENAME TABLE `ipb_forums_forums_new` TO `ipb_forums_forums`; ALTER TABLE `ipb_gallery_images` ADD KEY `image_file_size` (`image_file_size`), ADD KEY `image_views` (`image_views`); ALTER TABLE `ipb_cms_databases` ADD COLUMN `database_comments_perpage` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ;
Forum topics disappeared
OK I recovered a backup, the forum was OK for some hours and now again the same errors. At the Get support page there is also a database error...
Forum topics disappeared
At the "Get Support" page in the ACP I had some suggestion to fix in the database section and I accepted them.
Forum topics disappeared
Suddenly the forum and all the ads in the page disappeared. If i click a forum thread url I get this error: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
Error 500 - Cannot access community
I am not sure which files I have to delete, that they are not longer needed. Can I hire someone to do this for me?
Error 500 - Cannot access community
In some way the problem is that "something" is changing all the index.php files in the server. After restoring the /index.php and the /admin/index.php files I get this fix issue in my ACP. How can I get protected? Who can access and change this files? I have the latest IPS version.
Error 500 - Cannot access community
Can I delete initdata.php from server?
Error 500 - Cannot access community
I cannot even access the site and the ACP. How can I disable them?
Error 500 - Cannot access community
I am getting a HTTP ERROR 500 and the page is down. From the server log I cann see: [20-Sep-2023 03:27:27 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function set_magic_quotes_runtime() in /home/nginx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public/initdata.php:382 Stack trace: #0 /home/nginx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public/showthread.php(28): require_once() #1 {main} thrown in /home/nginx/domains/xxxxxx.com/public/initdata.php on line 382 I tried the recovery mode solution: But but I still cannot see the a login page (HTTP ERROR 500) Is there any other suggestion to this?
Google Analytics 4 Upgrade...
Do we need to connect GA4 to Google Ads in order to work properly? I think I need to hire someone to set up properly that, GA4, Google Ads, Tag etc.
GA4 - Google Analytics 4 - Tags
There are just 10 days remaining for the migration to GA4 - Google Analytics 4. Do we have any platform instructions for the process?
Something Went Wrong, Try Again
How can I change the form template to use the default one?
Where is the Past Date Settings for Records?
We are waiting for the April release to solve that problem. Until then we have to post every 2 hours our new content 24/7.
Page: Publish Field's Publish Date Enabled Missing?
Oh no... Just updated to latest and this setting is a disaster for article publishers. With this option we could prepare our articles for all the week... Please, try to resolve this! We need a solution!
Can we safely upgrade to 4.7.8?