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    ipbfuck reacted to Rikki for a guide, Template plugins   
    It's often useful to transform raw values in some way, and this is achieved in IPS4 with template plugins. Template plugins take a value, and optionally some arguments, and output some transformed value.
    The syntax for template tags is:
    {pluginkey="<value>" argument="..."} The value can be a normal string, or it could be a variable coming from elsewhere.
    Template plugins can always be used in templates, but some can also be used in CSS files. Those that can are identified below.
    Available plugins
    The HTML for the specified ad location
    $location - A valid advertisement location
    {datetime="$timestamp" dateonly="[boolean]" norelative="[boolean]" lowercase="[boolean]" short="[boolean]"}
    Shows a time formatted according to the user's locale
    $timestamp - A timestamp to transform into a date
    dateonly - Show only the date (with no time)
    norelative - By default, relative times will be used (e.g. 8 hours ago). To always show an absolute date/time, set this to true.
    lowercase - By default, date strings will be capitalized where necessary (e.g. Yesterday, 8:32pm). Setting this to true ensures it is lowercase, for use in a sentence.
    short - Uses a very short date format (ideal for mobile devices)
    {expression="$expression" raw="[boolean]"}
    Allows the result of arbitrary PHP expressions to be inserted into templates. The result of the expression is output.
    Can be used in CSS files.
    $expression - A valid PHP expression that produces output of some kind
    raw - By default, the result of the expression is HTML-escaped. Setting this parameter to true outputs the raw result. Be careful! This can be a security risk.
    {file="$file" extension="[string]"}
    Outputs the URL to a file stored by IPS4's file handling classes.
    Can be used in CSS files.
    $file - Either an instance of the \IPS\File class, or a string representing the stored URL to the file
    extension - The file storage extension used to originally store the file, e.g. calendar_Events. If none is specified, core_Attachment is assumed.
    {filesize="$sizeInBytes" decimal="[boolean]"}
    Formats the specified filesize and outputs an appropriate human-readable form.
    $sizeInBytes - An integer representing a file size, in bytes, to be formatted
    decimal - Whether the filesize should be treated as a KB (i.e. 1kb = 1024 bytes) or 1 = 1000. All values are always rounded to one decimal place.
    Includes a PHP script file
    $filename - The filename of the PHP file to include. The output of the file is buffered and output.
    {lang="$languageKey" sprintf="[string]" htmlsprintf="[string]" pluralize="[string]" wordbreak="[boolean]" ucfirst="[boolean]"}
    Inserts a phrase from the language system in the user's chosen language.
    $languageKey - The key of the language phrase to insert
    sprintf - Comma-separated list of values to replace in the language string. These values are HTML-escaped.
    htmlsprintf - Comma-separated list of values to replace in the language string. These values are not escaped. Be careful!
    pluralize - Comma-separated list of values to pass into any pluralize statements in the language string.
    wordbreak - If true, adds <wbr> tags to the returned string to help prevent strings that break the page width.
    ucfirst - Determines whether the first character of the string should be made uppercase.
    {member="$propertyToDisplay" id="[integer]" group="[boolean]" raw="[boolean]"}
    Outputs the property or result of a method called on the member object.
    $propertyToDisplay - One of the properties or methods available on the member object. For example: link() or name.
    id - Member ID to load and display. If not specified, the current member is used.
    group - If true, this tag works on the member's group instead (and so the $propertyToDisplay should be one of the group properties or methods instead)
    raw - By default, the returned output is HTML escaped. Setting this to true means the output won't be escaped. Be careful!
    Formats a number according to the user's locale (e.g. with commas or periods)
    $number - Number to format
    {prefix="$CSSPropertyName" value="[string]"}
    Shortcut tag which automatically prefixes the provided CSS property with vendor prefixes.
    Can be used in CSS files.
    $CSSPropertyName - The property name to prefix. The supported properties are: transition, transform, animation, animation-name, animation-duration, animation-fill-mode, animation-timing-function, user-select, box-sizing, background-size.
    value - the value of the CSS property.
    {request="$requestParameter" raw="[boolean]"}
    Inserts the value of a request parameter.
    $requestParameter - The parameter from the request object to be inserted.
    raw - By default, the returned value is HTML-escaped. If this parameter is true, the output won't be HTML-escaped. Be careful!
    {resource="$path" app="[string]" location="[string]" noprotocol="[boolean]"}
    Returns the absolute URL to the specified resource.
    Can be used in CSS files.
    $path - Relative path to the required resource (path is relative to the current theme's /resource directory)
    app - The app to which the resource belongs.
    location - The location (front/admin/global)
    noprotocol - Whether to make the resulting URL protocol-less (i.e. do not include http:// or https:// at the beginning, which can be useful for resources which are not allowed to be loaded over http on an https connection)
    {setting="$settingKey" escape="[boolean]"}
    Inserts the value of a system setting.
    Can be used in CSS files.
    $settingKey - Key of the system setting to insert.
    escape - By default, the raw value is output. If you need the value to be HTML-escaped, pass true for this parameter.
    {url="$url" csrf="[bool]" base="[string]" seoTemplate="[string]" seoTitle="[string]" seoTitles="[array]" protocol="[\IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_AUTOMATIC|\IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_HTTPS|\IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_HTTP|\IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_RELATIVE]" fragment="[string]" ref="[string]" plain="[bool]" ips="[string]" noprotocol="[bool]"}
    Generates an \IPS\Http\Url instance of a URL.
    Can be used in CSS files.
    csrf - Adds the CSRF Key to the query string
    base - The base to use, if this is an internal URL.
    seoTemplate - The SEO template for this URL to construct a friendly URL.
    seoTitle - The title to use for the friendly URL.
    seoTitles - An array of friendly URL titles. Not used if seoTitle is used.
    protocol - One of the \IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_* constants to define the protocol to use.
    fragment - Adds a fragment to the end of the URL.
    ref - Sets a base64 encoded referring URL as a query string to the URL (used in conjunction with \IPS\Request::i()->referrer()).
    plain - To output the string value of the URL raw. If omitted, the string value is run through htmlspecialchars().
    ips - If this is an internal IPS URL to the documentation. Ignores all other parameters.
    noprotocol - Makes the URL protocol relative regardless of the defined protocol. This is deprecated, and \IPS\Http\Url::PROTOCOL_RELATIVE should be used instead.
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